[ 4. März 2021 ]

DEGEM News – RADIO – Acoustic Frontiers playlist February 2021

Von: ralph hopper
Datum: Wed, 3 Mar 2021
Betreff: Acoustic Frontiers playlist February 2021

Acoustic Frontiers playlist

Airing on CKCU-FM (www.ckcufm.com for live streaming), 93.1, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada – for playlist and On Demand audio archive go to: http://cod.ckcufm.com/programs/46/info.html
12:30 to 14:00 eastern time zone, each Monday
Host/producer – Ralph Hopper
Email: ralph.hopper@rogers.com
Composers with EA/computer music compositions are always welcome [and encouraged] to provide a copy for airplay. Please contact me for information

February 2021 #788-791

Louise Rossiter Mondes Interieurs Neuronen
Paul Dolden Seuil de Silences In the Natural Doorway I Crouch
Lisa Whistlecroft self Work for the Railway
Lisa Whistlecroft self GFAAW
Gordon Delap self Sympathetic Magic
Florian Hartlieb self Caladan
John Celona/Lawrence Russell Culturecourt.com Temple of the Beating Heart
Sophie Delafontaine Soundcloud Gris Souris
Sophie Delafontaine Soundcloud Isotope
Dimitris Savva USSS Echo – The Nymph of Reflection
Julia Schauerman USSS Metal Works
Lorenzo Prati USSS Acqua Calda
Mario Caceres USSS Muddle
Chris Bevan USSS Residual Motion
Aikaterini Ilia USSS Crying forest
Adam Stanovic USSS Baltazar’s Adventure through the Great Machine
Adrian Moore USSS Recording the Hepworth
Bernard Parmegiani Violostries Violostries
Seth Parker Woods/George Lewis The Recombinant Trilogy Not Alone
Chris Chafe self Transect
Erdem Helvacioglu Wounded Breath Lead Crystal Marbles
Ross Davidson USSS Solipsis
Rose Bolton Soundcloud Bells
Anna Thorvaldsdottir/Anne Leilehua Lanzilotti Sola Sola
Vanessa Massera USSS Border Crossing
Arthur V Krieger Music from the APNM For Diane
Joel Gressel Music from the APNM Deconstructing Maria
Hiromi Watanabe Soundcloud Anamnese
Hiromi Watanabe Soundcloud Fission
Joan Bages Soundcloud Primavera

45north band – great Canadian jazz [info on web site]
Acoustic Frontiers, each Monday at 12.30pm [eastern] at 93.1 fm in Ottawa or for live streaming and On Demand archive – https://cod.ckcufm.com/programs/46/info.html
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