[ 11. November 2024 ]

DEGEM News- STELLENAUSSCHREIBUNGEN – [ak-discourse] Jobs: 2 PhDs and 1 Postdoc at the GEMM))) Gesture Embodiment and Machines in Music resaerch cluster at Luleå Universtiy of Technology

Von: Lepa, Steffen via ak discourse
Datum: Tue, 5 Nov 2024
Betreff: [ak-discourse] Jobs: 2 PhDs and 1 Postdoc at the GEMM))) Gesture Embodiment and Machines in Music resaerch cluster at Luleå Universtiy of Technology

Dear AK community,

[with the customary apologies for crossposting, please share]

GEMM))) – the Gesture Embodiment and Machines in Music research cluster I am part of at Luleå University of Technology – is hiring one postdoc in music performance and two PhDs, one in performing arts and the other in audio engineering. The group and work environments are great, lots of room for creativity and experimental work, and access to a massive hyperorgan. Check out the three full ads below for more details, requirements, etc.

Deadline is the 15th of November.

Postdoc position in music performance, with specialization in gesture analysis: https://www.ltu.se/en/about-the-university/work-with-us/job-vacancies?rmjob=8501#item-8501
PhD student in music Performance, with specialization in audio engineering: https://www.ltu.se/en/about-the-university/work-with-us/job-vacancies?rmjob=8498#item-8498
Doctoral student in musical design with specialization in performing arts (the ad is in Swedish): https://www.ltu.se/om-universitetet/arbeta-hos-oss/lediga-jobb?rmjob=8494#item-8494



Federico Ghelli Visi, PhD

​New instrument: The Sophtar
a networkable feedback string instrument with embedded machine learning
NIME 2024 paper: https://www.federicovisi.com/wp-content/uploads/visi-sophtar-nime-2024-V3-cr-opt-links.pdf
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee8vI8oFm9o

New journal article out:Networking concert halls, musicians, and interactive textiles: Interwoven Sound Spaces https://doi.org/10.1080/14626268.2024.2311906
