[ 13. Juli 2009 ]

INTERNET – eContact! 11.2 est maintenant en ligne! / is now up!

From: CEC jef chippewa
Date: July 14, 2009 7:35:02 PM GMT+02:00

PRESS RELEASE — for immediate diffusion / pour diffusion immédiate
Please forward at large.
Communauté électroacoustique canadienne
(CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic Community
eContact! 11.2
Figures canadiennes (2) / Canadian Figures (2)

[E] eContact! 11.2 – Canadian Figures is the second issue focussing on 
Canadian electroacousticians and presents an overview of the broad 
range of practices that have formed the Canadian electroacoustic 
landscape, one which is as vast and diverse as the geography of Canada 