[ 4. April 2017 ]

NEWS – REMINDER – ICAD 2017 – ThinkTank proposal deadline is April 10

Von: Mark Ballora
Datum: Mon, 3 Apr 2017
Betreff: [cec-c] REMINDER – ICAD 2017 – ThinkTank proposal deadline is April 10

ICAD 2017
The 23rd International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2017)
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park Campus, June 20-23, 2017
ThinkTank: June 19, 2017

ThinkTank proposals due April 10, 2017


The Student ThinkTank is a full-day meeting for students doing Doctoral or Masters projects in auditory display. It will be held on Monday, June 19, a day before the ICAD 2017 conference at Penn State University Park. It will be free of charge for conference participants and refreshments will be provided. In addition the formal presentations of successful applicants (as below) it is possible to attend as an observer. If you’d like to attend as an observer, please send an email to terasawa@slis.tsukuba.ac.jp.

The ThinkTank is your chance to set a whole roomful of auditory researchers to work on your particular research issue, to help you choose which method, tool or technique to use to save you from heading down a dead end. Besides providing breakthrough insights into your particular project the ThinkTank will foster friendships and networks that are essential in an international community for auditory display.

Attendees will be selected from those who make a submission by April 10, 2017.
The submission consists of a cover letter, two-page research interest summary, recommendation letter, and CV. Please see the web page above for full submission details.

Please email your proposal to the ICAD2017 chair (icad2017chair@icad.org) and the ThinkTank chair (terasawa@slis.tsukuba.ac.jp) by April 10, 2017. Notices of acceptance will be sent by May 1, 2017. Please feel free to email the chairs with any questions beforehand.