[ 12. Februar 2017 ]

NEWS – upcoming in February – herzliche Einladung! (Kirsten Reese)

Von: Kirsten Reese
Datum: Fri, 10 Feb 2017
Betreff: upcoming Februar

upcoming in February – herzliche Einladung!

15.2. 19:00 Errant Sound
Kirsten Reese
r.d.l. – automatic creation

As part of Transmediale/Vorspiel please join me for 3 hours 44 minutes (19 – 22.44), at Errant Sound, Kollwitzstr. 97, 10435 Berlin.

A 3 hours and 44 minutes long installation-performance with sounds made in a process of ‚automatic creation‘,
daily sketch-like work with sound processes and sound transformation, following up and re-working micro-results
by manipulating software in extreme parameters. Interspersed are sound objects, also processed live.
The piece is projected through small speakers with different acoustic characteristics spread throughout
the performance space. What originates from the artists mind, what from the depth of the digital software,
what from the physicality of the speaker?


16.2. 20:00
Eröffnung VIDEONALE.16 Kunstmuseum Bonn
Stefan Panhans „Freeroam À Rebours, Mod#I.1“
with music by Kirsten Reese

VIDEONALE.16 Festival for Video and Time-Based Arts.



Kunstmuseum Bonn
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 2, 53113 Bonn


23.2. 19:00
Galerie Pankow Breite Str. 8, 13187 Berlin
Talk and performance

„found sound“, Medienmaterial, auditives Archivmaterial, ortsspezifische
field recordings, Musik aus Musik – anhand eigener
Arbeiten spricht Kirsten Reese über dokumentarisches Arbeiten
mit Klang, Verwandlung und Transformation im auditiven
Medium, in Performances, Installationen und Kompositionen.
Dazu führt sie „Messages“ (2008/2016) für Diaprojektion,
Kassetten, Objekte und Zuspiele auf.


kirsten reese / torstr. 179 / 10115 berlin
493025700157 / mob 015114452768