[ 25. Juni 2018 ]

DEGEM News – GRANDE PRAIRIE – Sound Artist Residency opportunity in Grande Prairie, Alberta

Von: Shawn Pinchbeck via cec conference
Datum: Tue, 19 Jun 2018
Betreff: [cec-c] Sound Artist Residency opportunity in Grande Prairie, Alberta


Here’s a residency program for this summer for those wanting to get away from it all. Our studios are under utilised in the summer months. I would be happy to host a few folks here. Email me if you have questions or would like more technical details.

Shawn Pinchbeck

GPRC Creative Sound and Recording Artist Residency Program

Time and Duration: As required until August 15th, 2018

Cost: 7 days – $800 – if required, self-catered campus accommodation is $45/day + taxes. Shorter or longer terms can be arranged.

The Residency:

Emerging or professional sound artists, sound designers, composers and musicians are invited to come and work on their creations at the GPRC Recording Studios! This program is intended for artists that require extended focused time to explore, plan, compose and create new recordings or audio works in a professionally equipped recording studio. Ideally for those who already have some experience and knowledge with recording equipment and studio technique, the GPRC Recording Studios are an excellent place get work done in a creative environment.


Email a CV and short proposal that describes your project, preferred dates, technical needs and other requirements.


Grande Prairie Regional College Recording Studio is a purpose built professional facility that features 1 large control room with an isolation booth, and 3 smaller studios with isolation booths and MIDI keyboards. There is a fixed connection to an acoustically treated recital hall. We have ProTools, Reaper, Digital Performer, Ableton Live, Native Instruments Komplete and the Waves Diamond Bundle available for software. Our studios feature high end Preamps, mixers, Focal studio monitors with microphone brands such as DPA, Neumann, Lauton Audio, Royer, Earthworks, AKG and Sennheiser available for use. The large studio has 5.1 Surround Sound and we have recently acquired a Sennheiser AMBEO VR Microphone for ambisonic recordings.

Grande Prairie is a city of 60,000 located in north western Alberta, Canada. It is accessible by road from Edmonton (450 km to the southwest) Greyhound bus or by air (Air Canada and West Jet have flights here). They city itself is fully serviced with shopping and amenities. There is a nice valley park with trails that runs the length of the city, accessible near the college. The region around the city is very diverse with prairie, forest, foothills and mountains within a short drive.

Personnel: Recording Studio Manager, Dr. Shawn Pinchbeck, is an internationally recognized sound artist, sound designer and composer with over 30 years of experience in creating with sound and is on-site for consultations and technical assistance during the residency.

For inquiries contact:

Shawn Pinchbeck

Email: spinchbeck@gprc.ab.ca
Phone: 1-780-539-2783

Grande Prairie Regional College
10726-106 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB, T8V 4C4, Canada