From: „=?UTF-8?Q?La_Muse_en_Circuit,
Date: June 16, 2010 12:27:44 PM GMT+02:00
Subject: [ak-discourse] 9e_Concours_Art_Radiophonique_Luc_Ferrari /
9th Luc Ferrari Radiophonic Creation Competition
Last month before the deadline (07/15/10)
“Compose the real”
International radio broadcasted Arts Competition Luc Ferrari – 9th
La Muse en Circuit, Centre national de création musicale
Every two years, The “Muse en Circuit”, National Center of musical
creation, organises
its International Radio brodcasted Arts Competition Luc Ferrari.
Here find the presentation of the competition and the link to upload
the application form
Upload the Application form
Without a doubt, the acoustic space of today is not more full of sound
than that of yesterday. However, the main difference lies in the
consummate art of which people have, for more than a century, wanted
to capture the trace. In parallel to this endlessly growing capacity,
the everlasting drive to check what is behind the sound yields a new
way of composing, built around this capture and increased by the power
of technology. From concrete music to field recording, passing through
radiophonic art, all these different ways are included in what is now
commonly called “hörspiel,” which remains the musical object the most
identifiable while at the same time blurriest within its limits.
The 9th anniversary of the Luc Ferrari Competition therefore proposes
the candidates to reexplore, with maximum freedom, this inventive form
of composition which allows narration as much as abstraction, and the
most minimalistic gesture as much as luxuriant form. The projects must
therefore keep in mind the framework of this form while remaining free
to push its limits.