From: Sandeep Bhagwati
Date: May 14, 2010 3:09:27 PM GMT+02:00
Subject: Fast Food Composition Contest
International composition contest
announced by Forum Zeitgenössischer Musik Leipzig and rp-Gruppe
for a piece of the maximal length of 2-4 minutes (the time it takes to
eat a hamburger)
• clarinet (also small clarinet/bass clarinet), trumpet, drum kit
(vibraphone, bass and snare drum, tom-tom, bongos, cymbal, high hat,
tam-tam, gong, various small instruments like a block of wood, a
cowbell, a rattle etc.), violin, mezzo-soprano or tenor
• smaller instrumentation or solo pieces are also possible
• electronic or live-electronic pieces are possible (maximal 4-
channel and 1 sound engineer)
• The piece should be related to Fast-Food, food, the production
process or the situation of consumption in a fast-food restaurant etc.
in an inventive, critical or humorous way.
• A jury will choose maximally 12 pieces out of the submissions.
The chosen pieces will be performed during a concert of the concert
series FreiZeitArbeit in the Burger King affiliate Radefeld.
How to submit
• Submit a score in triplicate, or, if the piece is an electronic
one, a CD with the recording.
The compositions should be submitted anonymously as follows:
• Each score/composition/cd etc. has to have a keyword.
• The score/CD must be labeled (in addition to the keyword) with
the title of the piece and the country of
origin of the composer.
• The application must include furthermore a closed envelope
(labeled with the keyword) with the following content:
name and contact information of the submitter, a signed declaration
that the submitted piece has not been performed to the time of
Deadline and address for submission
Thursday, 15th of September 2010 at the latest to the following adress:
Forum Zeitgenössischer Musik Leipzig [FZML]
Kohlgartenstraße 24
04315 Leipzig
Prize money
The chosen compositions will receive a prize money of 400 € each.
Regrettably, travel and production expanses cannot be paid.
For further information: | Kontakt: