Von: „david@liminal“
Datum: 27. Mai 2012 14:12:51 MESZ
Betreff: Funded Scholarships available at University College Falmouth,
University College Falmouth invites applications for single or
interdisciplinary research in any art, design, media or performing
arts subject area to commence in October 2012.
UCF research degrees are awarded through our partnership with
University of the Arts London (UAL). University College Falmouth has a
record of high quality research in Art, Design, Media and Performance.
Our emphasis is on practice-led and user-led inquiry that is
collaborative in nature and multidisciplinary in scope. From 2011 our
research is supported and developed within two thematic Centres of
Research & Innovation: the Digital Economy and Sustainable Design.
We recommend applicants use this Innovation and Research area of the
website to explore the many different research areas in which
University College Falmouth specialises prior to making an application
and consider our specialisms carefully.
Research degree studentships, including fees and maintenance, will be
available on a competitive basis. Generally financial support for full
time study is over a 3 year period and for part time is over four
years (please see the About the Studentships
http:// air.falmouth.ac.uk/page/about-studentships
Applicants must have a strong academic background (2:1 or higher, MA
preferred) with a clear and compelling proposal in relation to UCF’s
research themes and, where relevant, the development of the Cornish
knowledge economy.
Application Deadline: 31st May 2012
For further information on applying and for an application pack please
visit How to Apply
If you have any queries at all please contact the Research and
Innovation Office on RED-Office@falmouth.ac.uk or 01326 255831.
Studentships awarded in 2011
Ten new full-time and five part-time studentships were awarded for
doctoral study, starting in October 2011, in areas supported by our
thematic Centres and matching our range of supervisory expertise. At
least five of these studentships contribute explicitly to the
advancement of Cornwall’s knowledge economy by addressing business or
industry-focussed challenges. Two studentships are being funded from
the income gained by the institution in recognition of its research
quality, and will be expected to help strengthen the core research
themes of our Research & Innovation Centres.