Subject: iFIMPaC 2015 – Call for Submissions
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2014
From: Perkins, Dale
Dear all,
Please find the call in the body of this email. Once the website is
fully up and running I’ll post the link.
International Festival for Innovations in Music Production and
Thursday & Friday 12^TH – 13^TH March 2015
Keynote speaker and artist: Trevor Wishart
Second Keynote: TBC
The International Festival for Innovations in Music Production and
Composition takes place at Leeds College of Music and the City of Leeds
from Thursday 12^th to Friday 13^th March 2015. iFIMPaC is an annual
event focusing on practice related innovations in Music Production and
Composition. iFIMPaC creates a unique environment for composers,
producers, music industry representatives, academics, educators and
students to discuss their compositional, pedagogical and production work
as practice-led research. This year’s event will be in association with
Nonclassical where we will be running a Nonclassical club night.
Submission and registration requirements
/All submissions must include:/
·First name
·Last name
·Postal address
·Email address
·Title of the paper or composition
·Affiliation (for example, university or company)
·A declaration as to whether or not you wish your email address to be
published on the delegate list.
·250-word biog
/Papers, presentations and workshop submissions must also include:/
·250-word abstract
·Word, text and rtf document(s). pdf documents are not accepted.
The following are welcome, but this is not meant to be an exhaustive list:
·Creative practices (including interdisciplinary practices)
·Theory and Philosophy
·Music Production and Critical Theory
·Electroacoustic Music and Analysis
·Innovative approaches: music technology in a commercial setting
·Innovative approaches: music technology in an academic setting
·Live Coding
·Digital Audio Signal Processing
·Unique Interfaces
·Software and Hardware Systems
·Music Production and Critical Theory
·Composition Systems and Techniques
While proposals are invited on any area of composition/production
research and practice from within any discipline/genre, preference will
be given to topics that include interdisciplinary approaches that inform
new insights into the creative applications of music technology,
compositional methodology and/or production. Individual presentations
should be no more than twenty minutes in duration (there will be a
further 5 minutes for questions). There may be opportunities for longer
durations for lecture-recitals and workshops.
Composition, Multimedia submissions must also be/include:
·No more than 13 minutes in duration
·Programme notes
·Duration of the submitted piece
·Any details regarding set-up requirements (e. g. multi-channel works)
·Information as Word, text and rtf document(s) – pdf documents are not
·(If Multimedia) a Video file no longer than 6 minutes demonstrating the
submitted piece (only /Mov/ and /Mpeg-4/ are acceptable). You may also
provide links to embedded video.
The following are welcome, but this is not meant to be an exhaustive list:
·Stereo acousmatic music
·Contemporary classical pieces
·Interdisciplinary work that includes sound/music
·Multichannel pieces (up to 8 channels + LFE)
·Multimedia/Audio Visual pieces
·solo instrument and fixed medium
·solo instrument and live electronics
·laptop improvisation/live coding
·club music (electronic music influenced by pop, IDM and electronica)
·Live electronica (up to 20 minutes)
·Live IDM (up to 20 minutes)
·demonstrations of unique interfaces/instruments/controllers
·Piece and paper
·Experimental DJ sets (up to 20 minutes)
·other (we are happy to consider music that doesn’t fall into the above
categories and may be wholly acoustic so long as the submitted piece
presents contemporary insights into music composition)
We may be able to supply performers in some instances, but you should
consider acquiring your own performers as iFIMPaC’s budget is small.
Please see the web link for further information (information will be
posted soon).
Successful applicants will need register and pay a delegate fee in order
to be programmed.
·If your submission is successful, and is acousmatic, but you cannot
attend, you will still need to register. You may have a nominee to
diffuse your work.
Deadline and mode of submission
The deadline for the submission of proposals is 20^th November 2014.
Registration fees are TBC
Any queries about a proposal should be directed to the IFIMPaC 2015
Conference Director: Dr Dale Perkins
Papers:Paper abstracts with all associated materials (e.g. biog)
should be sent as an email attachment to
. Abstracts must be formatted as /doc/,
/docx/, /txt/ or /rtf/ documents (no pdf documents please). All files
must be zipped as one file and named as follows: /iFIMPaC-2015
Compositions and multimedia: These should be sent as download links in
the body of an email. Acousmatic works should be presented in their
entirety. Multichannel works should be sent as a single set of mono
files and include a stereo reduction. All audio files should be 44.1KHz
and 24bit.
Pieces that involve live performances (including laptop improvisation
and interactive technologies) should be presented as video files (only
‘mov’ and ‘mpeg 4’ formats are acceptable) or web links.
If you wish to apply for a receipt for materials uploaded, please with:
IFIMPaC-surnameforename in the Header.
Leeds College of Music
3 Quarry Hill
United Kingdom
Queries about attending iFIMPaC should be addressed to:
Dr Dale Perkins
Head of Undergraduate Studies | @leedsmusic
Leeds College of Music, 3 Quarry Hill, Leeds, LS2 7PD
A company limited by guarantee with charitable status, Registered in
England and Wales
Company number 7596410