From: Anna Rubin
Subject: Livewire call
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 21:55:46 -0400
Hi friends, any suggestions for listservs in Canada and W. Europe??
Best, Anna
Hi everyone.
Below is the call for participation for the Livewire Festival for the
fall. If you could forward it to any colleagues at other universities
you can think of who might be interested, and ask them to distribute
to their grad students, I’d be grateful!
thanks for your help,
The UMBC Department of Music announces its first annual LIVEWIRE
Festival and Symposium (Oct. 28-30, 2010). The theme for 2010 focuses
on developments and trends in contemporary music in the first decade
of the 21st century. We are soliciting proposals for paper
presentations, lecture recitals, and demonstrations related to music
making in the first decade of the millennium, including but not
limited to uses of technology, performance practice, specific works or
composers, trends in any and all musical genres, issues of
documentation and dissemination, or issues related to under-
represented groups.
Interested participants should send an abstract of 250 words or less,
audio documentation and a proposed program (for lecture recitals), a
short bio, and a list of technical requirements to: Dr. Linda Dusman,
FA 510 UMBC, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250. Digital
submissions are encouraged, and should be sent to
June 25, 2010
Communauté électroacoustique canadienne (CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic
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