[ 9. Juni 2010 ]

AUSSCHREIBUNG – Open Run for Young Composers, Sond’Ar-te Electric Ensemble (Portugal)

From: LIEU Laboratoire Instrumental Européen
Date: June 8, 2010 7:18:30 PM GMT+02:00
Subject: Open Run for Young Composers – Sond’Ar-te Electric Ensemble

Dear all,

Please find in attached file the rules for applying to the 4th Open-
run Through for Young Composers organized by the Sond’Ar-te Electric
Ensemble (Portugal), in the framework of the LIEU (European
Instrumental Laboratory). Some of you could be interested.

Best regards,

Marie Perrier
Coordinator of the LIEU

Sond’Ar-te Electric Ensemble Open-run Through for Young Composers –
December 3rd, 2010

In order to encourage the creation of mixed music the Sond’Ar-te
Electric Ensemble calls young composers, aged under 35 years on
31/12/2010, to send pieces for its instrumentation: piano, flute,
clarinet, violin, cello and electronics to be worked by the ensemble
at its Open-run Through for Young Composers on December 3rd, 2010.


• The works submitted (which can complete works or fragments of a
work to a maximum of 5 minutes) must include the parts for each
instrument (all score and parts must be free of rights for this
particular presentation). The submitted works must contain all the
instruments of the Sond’Ar-te Electric Ensemble. The call is open to
composers of any nationality, aged under 35 years on 31/12/2010, each
of whom may submit only one work.
• The aim of the call is to promote the creation for the Sond’Ar-te
Electric Ensemble’s instrumentation. The maximum duration is of five
• All applications should be sent via internet only in 1 single Zip
File by email to the following address: violetabarradas@sondarte.com
The Zip File containing the candidate’s application should contain the
following files inside a single folder:

– 1 Text file (.doc, .txt, .rtf or .pdf) with a short biography and
contacts, as well as information about the piece (methods used,
concept, etc.)

– General Score (.pdf)

– Folder with the parts (.pdf)

Important: The name of the email, Zip File and the folder should be
identical to the name of the work submitted.

• The deadline for submissions is 12 P.M. GMT time, 30th of
September, 2010.
• The Sond’Ar-te Electric Ensemble will select 1 work which will be
performed at the Open-run Through for Young Composers on December 3rd,
• Travel and accomodation will be provided by the Sond’Ar-te Electric
Ensemble for the selected piece/composer.
• The Sond’Ar-te Electric Ensemble will announce their decision on
October 15th, 2010.
• Submission of an entry to the Open-run Through for Young Composers
implies the acceptance of all these rules.
• Any questions which may arise as to the interpretation of these
regulations shall be clarified by the Sond’Ar-te Electric Ensemble.
(All applications not meeting these requirements won’t be taken into