[ 8. November 2010 ]

AUSSCHREIBUNG – Visiting Lecturer in Music Technology, New Zealand School of Music, July-November 2011

From: Michael Norris
Date: November 8, 2010 9:24:12 PM GMT+01:00
Subject: JOB: Visiting Lecturer in Music Technology, New Zealand
School of Music, July-November 2011

The New Zealand School of Music, a joint venture of Massey University
and Victoria University of Wellington, seeks applicants for a full-
time, fixed-term appointment as Visiting Lecturer in Music Technology.
The position will be based at the Kelburn campus (part of Victoria
University) in Wellington, New Zealand’s capital city, for the second
trimester of the 2011 academic year (July-November 2011).

The expertise required for this position is in the field of music
technology, with a focus on recording and production, with a
preference for skills in a combination of at least three of the
following expertises

• Advanced recording techniques and technologies (studio and field
• Studio production/sound engineering
• Audio/MIDI sequencing and DAW technology
• Multi-channel audio playback and recording (e.g. Ambisonics)
• Intermedia work, especially film/sound cinema
• Sound programming environments (e.g. Max/MSP, PD, etc)
• Digital sound processing
The candidate must have previously taught in a university environment,
and s/he will ideally hold an advanced postgraduate degree in music
technology, sonic arts or composition, though equivalent professional
experience may be considered.

To apply, please e-mail a cover letter and detailed CV to HR
Administrator, NZSM (hradministrator@nzsm.ac.nz). In addition, please
arrange for three letters of reference to be sent/e-mailed under
separate cover. (Postal address: HR Administrator, NZSM, PO Box 2332,
Wellington, New Zealand). All material should arrive no later than 15
December 2010.

For more information, please contact the Programme Leader,


Michael Norris
Programme Leader, Composition
New Zealand School of Music
PO Box 2332, Wellington 6140

Ph: (+64) 4 463 7456 / 021 211 0138
Fax: (+64) 4 463 5157
Web: http://www.michaelnorris.info
NZSM: http://www.nzsm.ac.nz
Stroma: http://stroma.wellington.net.nz
