[ 20. Mai 2010 ]

AUSSCHREIBUNGEN – EMF/SEAMUS Professional Opportunities Compilation

From: „Straebel | TU Berlin“
Date: May 20, 2010 8:26:37 AM GMT+02:00
Subject: [ak-discourse] EMF/SEAMUS Professional Opportunities  

Professional Opportunities Compilation

May 19, 2010



BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY — Instructor in Composition/Music  
Theory. Bowling Green State University is seeking applicants for a one-
year appointment as instructor in Composition/Music Theory, starting  
August 2010. The primary responsibilities of this position include  
teaching composition, arranging, music theory and aural skills at the  
undergraduate and the graduate levels. Other duties as assigned by the  
chair and/or dean. Qualified applicants must have a doctorate (earned  
or ABD) in composition (doctorate preferred), demonstrated successful  
teaching experience at the college level. Start Date: August 10, 2010.  
Applicants should submit a letter indicating the applicants interest  
in and qualifications for the position, full curriculum vitae, and the  
names, addresses and phone numbers of at least five references.  
Finalists for the position will be asked to submit three current  
(dated within one year) original letters of reference and an official  
transcript showing highest degree earned. Send to: Marilyn Shrude,  
Chair, Composition/Music Theory Search Committee, College of Musical  
Arts, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403-0290.  
Phone: Phone: (419) 372-8508. Fax: (419)372-2938.

Deadline: June 7, 2010
Email: mshrude@bgsu.edu


MATA Interval 4.0

MATA, Inc., the Brooklyn-based young composer advocacy and presenting  
organization, is accepting proposals from curators for its 2010-11  
Interval Series. In collaboration with its Directors, these curators  
will program and produce an event on MATA’s Interval series at  
Brooklyn venue Issue Project Room. The Interval Series provides real-
world experience in curating, distinguishing Interval as the only  
concert series in New York designed and executed wholly by emerging  
artists. The mission for the Interval series is to present innovative,  
smaller-scale work  by young and emerging composers and performers  
(age 40 or under).

Deadline: June 7, 2010


Nodar Artist Residency Program for 2011

The application is open to art projects centred in the human voice,  
which work with issues such as the origin, meaning and relationship  
with the sacred (reconnected to its ancestral meaning of mystery and  
symbol), the voice as a pivotal element of rituals, customs and  
superstitions, able to enchant the listener and bring deep changes to  
the reality, to the communities and territory, the voice as the  
protagonist of memories, myths, archetypes, folk wisdom handed down  
through the centuries, or even the voice of everyday, tool for work  
and life.

Deadline: September 30, 2010


Postdoctoral Positions at New England Complex Systems Institute

The New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI) has openings for  
postdoctoral appointments in the study of complex systems. In addition  
to general projects, there will be openings in research fields such  
as: Social and global systems, biological systems, cognitive systems,  
evolution, non-equilibrium dynamics, agent based modeling, multiscale  
analysis, complex systems engineering, management /organization  
science, and education of complex systems concepts. NECSI Postdoctoral  
fellows may also receive joint appointments at MIT, Harvard, or other  
Boston-area academic institutions.



EMPAC: Artist & Scholar/Researcher in Residence

EMPAC is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications for  
both its Artist in Residence and its Scholar and Researcher in  
Residence programs. For full program details, guidelines and  
application information visit:



The Casa Paganini

The Casa Paganini – InfoMus international research center  of the  
University of Genova, Italy,
is looking for Ph.D. students and post-doc researchers in the field of  
sound and gesture
analysis. Casa Paganini – InfoMus is an International Centre of  
Excellence for research on
music, science, and technology (human-computer interaction,  
multimedia, sound and music
computing). Casa Pagnanini – InfoMus has its premises in a monumental  
building in the
historical center of Genova and is endowed with a 250-seat auditorium  
and museum rooms.
This makes it an ideal location to carry out experiments and proof-of-
concept tests in real-
world scenarios (public concerts, installations, etc).

Deadline: June 15, 2010


New England Complex Systems Institute Announcement

These courses are intended for faculty, graduate students, post-
doctoral fellows and others who would like to gain an understanding of  
the fundamentals of complex systems for application to research in  
their respective fields, or as a basis for pursuing complex systems  
research. Each week is the equivalent of a one semester course in a  
one week format. They may be taken independently or consecutively. If  
desired, arrangements for credit at a home institution should be made  
in advance.



NECSI Scholarships

We have funding for a limited number of partial scholarships for the  
NECSI Summer School courses on complex systems concepts and methods to  
be held June 7-18, 2010 in Cambridge, MA.



JTTP 2010 Jeu de temps / Times Play

The CEC is pleased to announce that ACMA (Australasian Computer Music  
Association) has accepted our invitation to collaborate on JTTP 2010.  
This year’s edition is therefore open to artists from (or living in)  
Canada, Australia and New Zealand. As of the 2010 edition,  
multichannel submissions and videomusic works may be submitted to JTTP.

Deadline: June 1, 2010


Sounding Out 5

The submission of papers and panels as well as audio/audiovisual works  
is invited for consideration.  The 2010 event aims to maintain and  
enhance the Sounding Out’s already impressive reputation as a major  
forum for discussion and interaction between practitioners, artists  
and academics working in the field of sound. For this year’s edition  
Keynote presentations will be given by a selection of internationally  
renowned artists and practitioners; Chris Chafe, Dirk Maggs, Jérôme  
Joy, Jonathan Harvey, Kaye Mortley, Larry Sider and Pedro Rebelo.

Deadline: June 1, 2010


everglade records

everglade records and the Florida International University-Wolfsonian  
Museum announce a call for audio works related to the theme of speed.  
Slated for release to coincide with a forthcoming multi-museum  
exhibition entitled Speed Limits sponsored by the FIU-Wolfsonian  
Museum (Miami Beach) and the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA,  
Montreal), works submitted for publication consideration to the audio  
Speed Limits project can address one or more of the following issues  
with respect to speed: pace, traffic, construction, efficiency,  
motion, and mind+body. Selected works will be featured on a  
forthcoming DVD project.

Deadline: June 1, 2010


Electronic Music Midwest

In celebration of EMM’s 10th Anniversary, Kansas City Kansas  
Community  College and Lewis University are pleased to announce a call  
for submissions for the Electronic Music Midwest Festival, to be held  
October 14-16 2010 at Lewis University. Each concert will feature an  
8.1 speaker diffusion system. Acclaimed flutist, Rebecca Ashe, will be  
the featured performer, and composers are encouraged to submit works  
for her consideration.

Deadline: June 1, 2010


Miami ISCM Section World Music Days

The Miami Section of the International Society for Contemporary Music  
(ISCM) at Florida International University (FIU) is pleased to  
announce a call for scores for submission to the 2011 World Music Days  
being held in Zagreb, Croatiia April 7 through 17, 2011.  As an  
Associated Section of the ISCM we will be submitting up to 6 works to  
represent the USA at the festival.

Deadline: June 30, 2010


T-Stick Composition

The 2010 T-Stick Composition Workshops (2010TCW) bring together five  
composers (any nationality, all ages) to develop new live  
electroacoustic solos for the soprano t-stick digital musical  
instrument in collaboration with Canadian composer and digital  
instrumentalist, D. Andrew Stewart. 2010TCW is looking for composers  
who have distinct proposals for the t-stick. Preference will be given  
to unique projects that, firstly, illustrate a wide-ranging use of the  
t-stick and secondly, seek to expand the performance modes of the  

Deadline: July 1, 2010


Non-Cochlear Sound Art

Diapason will be working with sound artist and author Seth Kim-Cohen  
to present an exhibition of „Non-Cochlear Sound“, as formulated in Kim-
Cohen’s book „In the Blink of an Ear: Toward a Non-Cochlear Sonic  
Art“ (Continuum). The exhibition is scheduled for October, 2010. Non-
Cochlear Sound describes a form of sonic practice not primarily  
concerned with the ear. Marcel Duchamp’s famous call for a non-retinal  
visual art was answered (eventually) by minimalism, conceptual art,  
social-based practice, and a host of approaches that appeal not to the  
eye, but to other concerns. In his new book, In The Blink Of An Ear:  
Toward a Non-Cochlear Sonic Art, artist and theorist Seth Kim-Cohen  
asks why sound has been slower to make the conceptual, linguistic, and  
social turns. As a way of responding to this question and of  
“redressing” this perhaps unfortunate sonic situation, we seek sound  
work that engages any or all of the following: sociality,  
conceptualism, politics, textuality, discursivity, subjectivity,  
history, economics, or philosophy.

Deadline: June 3, 2010


Wet Sounds

Wet Sounds, the underwater deep listening event, is open for sound and  
performance art works. The theme this year is REVERSE – Exploring  
basic dichotomies and the link between them. The creative approach to  
the theme can be conceptual or literal.  It is inspired by the  
division of the swimming pool into two distinct soundspaces using an  
overwater and underwater soundsystem and the link between which only  
audible through floating. | above = below | two sides of the same coin  
| forward = reverse  | parallel / split narrative

Deadline: July 26, 2010



Along with the launch of ABOUT: we would also like to call for  
presentation proposals for new projects in the field of international  
contemporary artistic creation, to be promoted and
presented to the Athenian scene. ABOUT: is a new cultural space  
created by the Center for
Music Composition & Performance located in the historical city center  
near the Acropolis in Psiri, one of the liveliest districts of Athens.  
On 18 Miaouli Street, just 50 meters away from
“Monastiraki” metro station, the new venue occupies the first floor of  
a building that still roofs leatherwear manufactures. Maria Aloupi and  
Andreas Diktyopoulos personally supervised
the design and renovation of this new space, configured to host  
contemporary art projects.



Soundcrawl: Nashville

Calling all: electroacousticians, composers, musicians, sound artists,  
noise designers, aural engineers, audio tinkerers, etc., etc. from  
anywhere at any time to a call for works for SoundCrawl:Nashville  
2010. We are looking for stereo works not longer than 7 minutes in  
AIFF format. Submitted files must be titled as LastName_PieceTitle.  
Video projection is available this year in one space. Submitted video  
files must be formatted in h.264 .mp4 with the same time restrictions  
and stereo sound. There are no live performances.

Deadline: August 1, 2010


ISCM World New Music Days 2011 Zagreb, Croatia

26th Music Biennale Zagreb 7-17 April 2011
Members of the International Society for Contemporary Music as well as  
music publishers and individual artists are encouraged to submit their  
works according to the detailed instructions and criteria described in  
the call for works.

Deadline: August 1, 2010


CINESONIKA: The First International Film and Video Festival of  
Innovative Sound Design

The theme of this international film and video festival is to  
celebrate the soundtrack. Usually in cinema festivals there is a  
fixation on movie stars, or captivating imagery, or the literary  
qualities of screenplays, or the abstract concepts of film theory.  
Sound tends to be relatively unvalorized in moving-image making. The  
intent of the festival is to give attention to innovative work in the  
creation of film and video soundtracks, and to give due credit to the  
importance of audio in audiovisual media. This first annual festival  
will showcase international works of film and video with fascinating  
soundtracks, idiosyncratic sound design, eclectic scoring and  
innovative approaches to the sound-image relationship.

Deadline: September 1, 2010



temp’óra is issuing a call for projects, period 2011-2012. It is aimed  
at composers and soloists or ensembles (instrumental and/or vocal)  
involved mainly in contemporary music. Performers and composers  
selected for the call for projects, period 2010-2011, cannot apply for  
this new call for projects.

Deadline: September 30, 2010



IMCSIT is organized by the Polish Information Processing Society in  
cooperation with the IEEE Computer Society (Poland Chapter), Council  
of European Professional Informatics Societies (CEPIS), the Systems  
Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences, and the Institute of  
Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences. IMCSIT is now accepting  
proposals concerning a number of topics.

Deadline: May 31, 2010


Sounding Out 5

The submission of papers and panels as well as audio/audiovisual works  
is invited for consideration.  The 2010 event aims to maintain and  
enhance the Sounding Out’s already impressive reputation as a major  
forum for discussion and interaction between practitioners, artists  
and academics working in the field of sound. For this year’s edition  
Keynote presentations will be given by a selection of internationally  
renowned artists and practitioners; Chris Chafe, Dirk Maggs, Jérôme  
Joy, Jonathan Harvey, Kaye Mortley, Larry Sider and Pedro Rebelo.

Deadline: June 1, 2010


Organised Sound

Denis Smalley: his influence on the theory and practice of  
electroacoustic music. Denis Smalley is one of Britain’s foremost  
exponents of acousmatic music, and a voice of international influence  
in both music and words. In marking his 65th year (2011), this issue  
aims to re-evaluate and extend the ideas and issues raised Denis  
Smalley’s music and writings, to develop their connections with the  
work of others, and the UK. It will focus especially, but not  
exclusively, on theoretical writings such as ‘Spectromorphology and  
Structuring Processes’ (1986), ‘Defining Timbre – Refining  
Timbre’ (1994), ‘Space-Form and the Acousmatic Image’ (2007), and on  
the influence of Smalley’s musical output. New analyses will be  
welcomed, especially those which seek to apply or evaluate Smalley’s  
theoretical ideas through analysis of his music or that of other  
composers or the development of future analytical tools. Naturally,  
there will be a focus on acousmatic music, although music with live  
instruments will not be excluded since it also features in Smalley’s  

Deadline: June 15, 2010


1st Biennial in Music Composition and Education

The Department of Music of the School of Arts – College of Philosophy  
and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba, Argentina intive  
you to participate in our 1st Biennial in Music Composition and  
Education that will take place in our University Campus Pabellon CEPIA  
and MEJICO on 1-2-3 September 2010.

Deadline: June 30, 2010


Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI) Conference

We are pleased to announce that the 5th edition of the successful  
Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI) Conference series  
will be held in between 23rd and 26th January 2011. We invite  
submissions of prototypes and daring ideas, tools and technologies,  
methods and models, as well as interactive art, interaction design,  
and user experience that contribute new understandings to the broad  
area of tangible computing, embodied interaction, interactive  
surfaces, and embedded interactive systems. Papers will be published  
in the ACM digital library. In recent years, computing has  
progressively moved beyond the desktop into new physical and social  
contexts. As physical artifacts gain new computational behaviors, they  
become reprogrammable, customizable, repurposable, and interoperable  
in rich ecologies and diverse contexts. They also become more complex,  
and require intense design effort in order to be functional, usable,  
and enjoyable.

Deadline: August 1, 2010


Leonardo Journal: Nanotechnology, Nanoscale Science and Art

2011 is the International Year of Chemistry! To celebrate Leonardo is  
seeking to publish papers and artworks on the intersections of  
chemistry, nanotechnology and art for our on-going special section on  
nanotechnology and the arts. Since its inception nanotech/science has  
been intimately connected to chemistry; fullerenes, nanoputians,  
molecular machines, nano-inorganics and self-assembling molecular  
systems all spring from the minds and labs of chemists, biochemists  
and chemical engineers. If you’re a
nano-oriented chemist who is serious about art, an artist working on  
the molecular level, or a chemical educator exploring the mysteries of  
nano through the arts we are especially seeking submissions from you.



Organised Sound: An International Journal of Music and Technology

The distinctions between a performer, an instrument, and an  
environment seem at first glance self evident, but plenty of evidence  
exists that the relationships between them can be complex and dynamic.  
A musical instrument is not, or at least not only, a physical object,  
but has properties which emerge through use or expectation  
(programming). A systemic understanding of performance activity might  
usefully enhance our understanding of the interpenetrations and  
feedback systems which exist between apparently disparate component  
parts. As we move into a musical world where we can intervene  
digitally in the performance ecosystem we open up possibilities for  
new formulations of and relationships between the ‘components’,  
whether by accessing ‘distant’ or virtual audiences/environments, or  
by combining physical and virtual elements in an unforeseen manner.

Music has always drawn on other disciplines and ways of modelling the  
world for metaphors which expand its resources both sonically, as  
organised sound, and socially, as human activity. This issue of  
Organised Sound invites submissions from both theorists and  
practitioners for whom ecosystemic or biological models form a  
provocative or productive point of departure for any aspect of their  

Deadline: November 1, 2010


ICMC 2010

ICMC Workshops are here!Particpants can learn about circuitry and  
software form some of the most interesting makers in the field!



Dutch Improv Academy

Have you been tempted by improvisation ? Want to let go of the score  
and do it yourself ? Want to hone your skills ? Want to develop your  
technique ? All in the vibrant  port city of Rotterdam, the  
Netherlands ? The last week of August 2010 will see the second annual  
Dutch Impro Academy week – a unique opportunity to work with / play  
with / learn from six of Holland’s top improvisors in the relaxed  
atmosphere of the World Music & Dance Centre.
Anne la Berge (flute/electronics), Bart van der Putten (saxophone),  
Eric Boeren (cornet), Mary Oliver (violin /viola), Wolter Wierbos  
(trombone) and Han Bennink (drums) will be with you for a week –  
culminating in public performances in the Netherlands.

Deadline: May 21, 2010


Troika Ranch

Troika Ranch Artistic Directors and interactive media pioneers, Dawn  
Stoppiello and Mark Coniglio, will  offer their annual Live-
Interactive (Live-I) Workshop: Composition for Media and the Stage  
this August 9-13 in Portland, Oregon. Held annually in New York City  
since 1999, the workshop makes its Portland debut this year, and in  
future will travel to other exciting cities across the US and abroad.

Deadline: May 25, 2010


Video Composition Workshop

Please submit to participate in the Video Composition Workshop  
happening at Diapason Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, in June and July 2010.  
The Video Composition Workshop (VCW) is dedicated to writing  
performative video pieces in a workshop environment. VCW explores how  
artists conceptualize formal compositions for video or video plus  
other media, including organizational concepts and logic, methods of  
notation, and performative video vocabulary. VCW provides a salon  
setting where multidisciplinary artists can discuss concepts, learn  
historical precedents, demonstrate their work, and potentially  
collaborate.  VCW culminates in a public performance of the resulting  
experiments, works-in-progress, and completed pieces.

Deadline: May 17, 2010



On May 30th 1pm-7pm EST @ NYC Resistor L2Ork will hold a one-day  
workshop on building Linux-based laptop orchestra and unique  
opportunities such an ensemble brings about. L2Ork is an ultra-
affordable tool for handling administrative logistics associated with  
starting a new Linux-based laptop orchestra using exclusively free  
software and cost-efficient hardware.  The workshop will cover general  
issues in regards to starting a Linux-based laptop orchestra, as well  
as provide an opportunity for the workshop participants to engage in  
writing for L2Ork.  The workshop will also cover L2Ork’s latest  
initiative to bridge STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)  
and Arts in K-12 education and funding opportunities such a project  
may bring about.

May 30, 2010


Lecture and Workshop Series: Living Circuits by Phillip Stearns

Current VanLier resident Phillip Stearns offers a 5-part educational  
lecture/workshop series on basic electronics and networked sciences.  
Lectures will be held on evenings during the week free of charge and  
be accompanied by an optional hands-on ticketed workshop held on the  
weekend following. The goal of the lectures is to provide a background  
and context to the contemporary use of electronics, computing, and  
biology in the development of neural networks. Each lecture will  
contain a historical overview of a key topic accompanied by  
demonstrations and animations. The optional workshops will focus on  
applying the information and knowledge presented in the lecture  
through hands on-projects led through slide-show, animation, and  
direct instruction.



20th Annual Deep Listening Retreat

Deep Listening® is a form of meditation based on experiencing  
heightened awareness of sound, silence and sounding. Deep Listening  
practice evolved and developed from Sonic Meditations (Smith  
Publications, 1971) an earlier body of work by Oliveros now performed  
in many parts of the world. Daily Retreat activities with instructors  
Pauline Oliveros, Heloise Gold and Ione include seven hours of daily  
ritual, attention to breath, listening/sounding meditations, T’ai Chi  
and Qi Gong movement practices, practicing, journeying for expanded  
creative resources, listening through dreams, tracking listening with  
sound journals, interaction, discoveries, exploration strategies for  
creating and performing, scoring, writing, drawing, creative movement  
sessions in the open air, listening for creative opportunities, free  
time, exchange and lively conversation.

July 6-10, 2010 Nau Côclea Camallera, Spain

Electronic Music Foundation | P.O. Box 8748 | Albany, NY 12208