[ 16. Juni 2014 ]

BERLIN – 19.06.-21.06. URBAN SOLAR AUDIO PLANT 12-Kanal-Klanginstallation mit 50 Komponisten aus 20 Ländern

12-Kanal-Klanginstallation mit 50 Komponisten aus 20 Ländern
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2014
From: InfoC60

Dear Friends and Colleagues!

You are cordially invited to the Berlin premiere of URBAN SOLAR AUDIO
PLANT – a solar powered, WiFi controlled, 12-channel sound system for
public spaces.

Multichannel audio works and soundscapes of 50 composers from 20
countries will be performed at three weekends and three different

We would be very happy to welcome you at the opening night on next
Thursday, June 19th 2014, 6pm, at Aufbau Haus am Moritzplatz,
Prinzenstraße 85D, Berlin Kreuzberg.

There will be also a USAP Workshop on Friday, June 20th at 4pm, and a
public USAP Artist Talk on Saturday, June 21st at 6pm. On Saturday the
USAP is part of the Fête de la Musique Berlin 2014.

The compositions will be played at the following locations and times:

19.-21.06.2014, 4-10pm, Aufbau Haus am Moritzplatz, Berlin Kreuzberg.

27.-29.06.2014, 4-10pm, Tempelhofer Feld, Entrance Oderstraße, Berlin

04.-06.07.2014, 4-10pm, James-Simon-Park, Berlin Mitte.

Please find further information on the participating composers, music
titles and performance schedule on the following websites:



We are looking forward to seeing you!

All the best,

Peter Eisold, Micha Dawid, Sven Sappelt

& C60/Collaboratorium

USAP Berlin Premiere 2014

is an initiative project of C60/Collaboratorium for Cultural Practice.
In Co-operation with Aufbau Haus, Sound Studies Lab, ed al.
Supported by initiative neue musik berlin e.V. aus den Mitteln des
Regierenden Bürgermeisters von Berlin – Senatskanzlei – Kulturelle
Angelegenheiten, dem Ministerium für Familie, Kinder, Jugend, Kultur und
Sport des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen and RWE Stiftung.