Von: Manuela Benetton
Datum: 28. April 2012 13:29:41 MESZ
Betreff: Tomorrow Sun. 29th: Ankersmit/Tricoli & Perlonex at .HBC
Sunday, April 29th at 9:00 pm
at .HBC – Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 9, 10178 Berlin
CTM Concerts & zangimusic.de present:
Perlonex [Berlin]
Ignaz Schick (turntable, motors, objects, electronics)
Joerg Maria Zeger (electric guitars, effects)
Burkhard Beins (drums, percussion, objects)
opening act:
Thomas Ankersmit (NL): analog synthesizers, electronics
Valerio Tricoli (IT): revox tape machine, electronics
One of the rare oppotunities to catch Berlin’s long going drone-noise-
electronic mavericks & echtzeit veterans who recently have more often
out of town than in Berlin and who quite frequently teamed up with the
American minimal-trance icon Charlemagne Palestine. A few new albums
are in the pipeline ready for release – but this night will focus on
the celebration of perlonex music before the depart of band member
Ignaz Schick who is going for a one year travelling period.
Also performing will be the amazing electro-acoustic duo project of
Thomas Ankersmit (analog synthesizer) and Valerio Tricoli (revox tape
A night of intense and uncompromising electro-acoustic music.
Since 1998 Perlonex have been working on a quite unique blend of noise
music, drones, psychedelia, electronica and musique concrete and have
been touring and performing their music worldwide (Eastern and Western
Europe, Russia, USA, Canada, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand,. ..)
eversince presenting perlonex music with big success on many renownend
festvials but also in underground club shows. Since 2004 Perlonex have
frequently teamed up with the legendary US-provocateur, anti/
minimalist and trance-addicted vocalist/pianist Charlemagne Palestine.
This very original collaboration has resulted in 2 double CD releases
and many highly acclaimed concerts in Berlin, Vienna, Graz, Geneve,
Paris, Mulhouse, Bologna, Victoriaville or Metz, ….
Thomas Ankersmit/Valerio Triocli:
‚Forma II‘ is the first collaborative output by Thomas Ankersmit and
Valerio Tricoli released on Pan-Act (pan-act.com). Composed and
recorded in Berlin from 2008 to 2010 the music consists of four
electroacoustic pieces based largely on analogue synthesizer material
and one long-form swarm-like composition for multiple overdubbed
saxophones. Additional sounds range from metal foil floating on
ultrasonic sound-beams to mechanical clickers recorded in the
abandoned radar domes at Teufelsberg. The raw materials have been
extensively processed and re-constructed using analogue tape and
digital methods. The five pieces shift between sharply detailed
blizzards of electronic interference to passages of delicate balance,
between calm and turbulence, between stasis and rapid shape-shifting,
between multiple virtual spaces and non-spaces.