Von: Timo Kahlen
Datum: Sun, 18 Jun 2017
Betreff: Award and invitation to Timo Kahlen: KATHARSIS . Sound Sculptures and Moving Images @ Ruine der Künste Berlin, June 25, 2017
Invitation to see and hear:
1) The award-winning net art work
/ source / (postfactual), 2017
at http://www.staubrauschen.de/source/
Synopsis: In Timo Kahlen¹s new interactive net art work / source /
(postfactual) , 2017 – just awarded an Honorary Mention at the Junge
Akademie¹s and ZKM¹s prize question ³What¹s the Net Listening To ?² (Was
hört das Netz ?) – the viewer is invited to search for reliable sources, for
valid facts¹ , nodes and information on the internet.
A seemingly void, monochrome white surface is all it shows; and frustrates
the viewer with a mouse cursor, which is difficult to locate, to control and
direct, as isolated potential facts¹ pop up in interaction with the cursor
: appearing but distorted, head-over and uncomfortably remote, as if
projected onto the reverse side of the computer screen. Accumulating
alternative facts are accompanied by outbursts of sound and bustle, only to
be quenched and extinguished shortly afterwards.
The work which will need approximately one minute to load – is composed of
multiple embedded layers of sound woven into a touch-sensitive visual
projection. It is generated by the viewer always different and always live
-, depending on the relative position, movement, and speed, on eventual
pauses or changes in direction of the mouse cursor moving across the
touch-sensitive projection. Search, roll over, pause or click at the empty¹
white surface of the computer display with the mouse cursor to discover and
discard potential facts in real-time.
Please turn on your speakers or headphones and enable Flash Player in your
browser or on your laptop. The work is not visible on Android and iOS (both
without Flash compatability).
2) The exhibition in Berlin
Timo Kahlen : Katharsis
Sound scultures and moving images
June 25 to Juli 30, 2017
every Sunday 12 18 h
Free entry
Invitation to the opening of the exhibition
on Sunday, June 25, 2017
from 12 18 h
Ruine der Künste Berlin
Hittorfstr. 5, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem
U3 Thielplatz / Freie Universität
Timo Kahlen: Money I¹ve Burnt for Art, 2009 2016. Series of photographs of
burnt invoices and receipts, glass jars with conserved ashes. Copyright Timo
Kahlen / VG Bild-Kunst 2017
3) Timo Kahlen¹s most recent interactive net art work / unstable /, 2017,
released online in conjunction with the above exhibition at the Ruine der
Kuenste Berlin
at http://www.staubrauschen.de/unstable/
/ unstable /, 2017 is an intuitive ‚game‘ without rules. Again, it confronts
the viewer with nothing more than an empty¹, white display; and with a
cursor that is uncomfortably vague, inconsistent and difficult to locate.
Search, roll over, pause or click at the monochrome white display with the
mouse cursor to generate the work from multiple embedded layers of sound,
woven into a touch-sensitive visual projection. The work develops
individually and is
generated – always different and new – with various and chance-generated
outcomes, depending upon the position, movement and speed of the cursor, on
eventual pauses and changes in direction, on the pace and timing of the
Both the embedded fragments of sound as well as the minimal visual notations
seem to react to the viewer’s input in real time; yet arise, shift,
reorganize, dissolve and fade in the next instant, as the viewer loses
control of the cursor and the game.
For speakers or headphones. Requires Flash Player. Please enable Flash in
your browser or on your laptop. The work will need approximately a minute to
load. Be patient. Not visible for Android and iOS (both without Flash
News: Timo Kahlen
Nomination / Finalist ³Jon Schueler Scholarship² at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Isle
of Skye / Scotland 2017
in cooperation with the Royal Scottish Academy, and the Jon Schueler Trust,
New York
³Was hört das Netz ? / What¹s the Net Listening To ?², presentation of prize
winners at
Jungen Akademie, Berlin and ZKM, Karlsruhe 2017
³/ source / (postfactual)² at http://www.staubrauschen.de/source/, 2017
³Poetics of Light², National Media Museum, Bradford / UK 2017
„YesNo“ at Web Biennial, Turkey 2017 (in preparation)
³Experiments in Cinema², Albuquerque, New Mexico / USA 2017
³Timo Kahlen: Katharsis“, Ruine der Kuenste Berlin, Berlin 2017 (upcoming
private view: June 25, 2017)
³/ unstable /² at http://www.staubrauschen.de/unstable/, 2017
³Ulaanbaatar International Media Art Festival², Ulan Bator / Mongolia 2017
³Bewegung im Bild Die informelle Malerei trifft auf die Geste in der
Maerkisches Museum Witten 2017 and DZ BANK Kunstsammlung, Frankfurt am Main
³Failing!² – catalog of rejected proposals -, Friday Island, Luxembourg 2017
³Short Waves / Long Distance², Wave Farm: Transmission Art Archive, Acra,
New York 2017
³Bits & Pieces² at radioarte.it, Siena / Italy 2017
„Sound Thought“, Centre of Contemporary Arts, Glasgow / Scotland 2017
³Heimat ?“, Deutscher Kuenstlerbund, Berlin 2017
³migrtaion² at http://www.staubrauschen.de/migrtaion (and interview in Digital
America, issue 9, 2017)
„Zurueck in die Zukunft der Fotografie“, DZ BANK Kunstsammlung, Frankfurt am
Main 2016