Von: João Pais
Datum: 23. Januar 2012 11:50:33 MEZ
BodyControlled #2 – „matter-incompatible“
Performances by
Echo Ho (DE/CN), Mario de Vega (MX), Alex Nowitz (DE), Ignaz Schick (DE)
Thursday, 26.01.2012
8pm – Performances from 9pm
Free Entry (or donate what you like)
Following the first event event of the BodyControlled series,
BodyControlled #2 focuses on the idea of incompatible matter. While BC #1
was organized around the concept of „other spaces“, using the specific
architecture at LEAP and provoking it in order to synthesize new
environments, BC #2 combines space and sound.
Through exploring the physical reality of sound-instruments and objects,
complex acoustic spaces emerge. Sound of any kind – vocals, instruments,
vibrations – become a material themselves, a hybrid. Creating
Matter-Incompatible, the exhibition focuses on searching for the hidden
materiality of acoustics, where distinguishing between live-produced sound
and mechanically generated playback becomes a challenging self-observation.
All performances will be available from 20.00 CET via live stream on
Facebook-Event BodyControlled #2 „matter-incompatible“: on.fb.me/AmEtO9
Artist links:
Echo Ho – http://www.echoho.net/s
Mario de Vega – http://www.mariodevega.info/
Alex Nowitz – http://nowitz.de/,
Ignaz Schick – http://www.zangimusic.de/,
Lab for Electronic Arts and Performance
(Berlin Carré, 1. Stock)
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 13
10178 Berlin
How to find LEAP: http://bit.ly/pqTAJi
LEAP Facebook Page: http://on.fb.me/uxfyT2