[ 29. Juni 2015 ]

BERLIN – Caleb Kelly & Kusum Normoyle @errantboddies, 29.06.2015, 18:00 Uhr

Subject: Caleb Kelly & Kusum Normoyle @errantboddies,

29.06.2015, 18:00 Uhr

From: Pysiewicz | TU Berlin

Count and Strike and Spin

Marla Hlady in collaboration with Christof Migone


Starting June 28 and ending July 4, a guest will participate in a

conversation. Each conversation is recorded using untreated and treated

microphones (i.e. the spinning microphone). This sound is processed and

used in the space the following day as a sound element, again using the

spinning microphones as a way to further process the sound.

Conversation schedule: starting at 18:00

Monday, June 29 – Caleb Kelly + Kusum Normoyle

Tuesday, June 30 – Linnea Semmerling

Thursday, July 2 – Kristan Horton

Friday, July 3 – Emma Waltraud Howes

Saturday, July 4 – Heidi Sill + Michael Schultze

Opening reception: Monday June 29, 19:00h

Opening hours:

Saturday-Sunday: 14-18:00h

Monday-Friday: 16-20:00h

Errant Bodies

Kollwitzstrasse 97

10435 Berlin


Dr. Caleb Kelly

Edgard Varèse Guest Professor at the Technische Universität Berlin

Program Director, Bachelor of Art Theory

UNSW | Art & Design


W: https://research.unsw.edu.au/people/dr-caleb-kelly

übersandt von

Andreas Pysiewicz

Elektronisches Studio, Fachgebiet Audiokommunikation

Technische Universität Berlin

Fakultät I Geistes- und Bildungswissenschaften

Institut für Sprache und Kommunikation

Einsteinufer 17c, Sekr. EN 8, 10587 Berlin
