Von: Digital in Berlin | News
Datum: Tue, 30 Aug 2016
Betreff: Choreographers compose for musicians / LABOR SONOR : MOVING
MUSIC | 23 & 24.11.2016 at Ballhaus Ost
Dear friends and music lovers,
What happens, when choreography creates music? Choreographers translate
practices of experimental sound production. Musicians re-interpret
choreographic concepts of contemporary dance. In six collaborations
practices of extended choreography meet practices of challenging music.
Digital in Berlin presents LABOR SONOR : MOVING MUSIC
Transdisciplinary Festival & Symposium
23 & 24 September 2016
BALLHAUS OST | Pappelallee 15 in 10437 Berlin/Prenzaluer Berg
Program & timetable: laborsonor.de
Facebook event: goo.gl/J3uVPL
Tickets: bit.ly/2brH2Rn
Hope to see you there!
Best regards,
Your Digital in Berlin team
Digital in Berlin
Josef-Orlopp-Straße 89 | 10365 Berlin/Germany
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