[ 8. Juni 2016 ]

BERLIN – Duo „ad lib.“ / Concertinstallation „REMIX“

Von: JH

Datum: Wed, 8 Jun 2016

Betreff: BERLIN / Duo „ad lib.“ / Concertinstallation „REMIX“

Konzertinstallation „Remix“

Premier: 17th of June / 8 p.m.

2nd performance: 18th of June / 8 p.m.

The composers performance duo „ad lib.“ (Julius Holtz, live electronics

and Andreas Staffel, piano) transmits the Remix techniques into

contemporary music.

By means of fragmentation, adjustment of tempos, recontextualization and

collages, compositions of contemporary instrumental and acousmatic music

are remixed. REMIX creates a hybrid fusions of pieces – or contrasts

works among each other. Julius Holtz and Andreas Staffel fuse the Remix

starting from a combination of live-electronic music and instrumental

piano performance.

Julius Holtz: Laptop, Turntable, Synthesizer

Andreas Staffel: Klavier

Thomas Fornoff: Lightdesign

Funded by Initiative Neue Musik Berlin e.V.

17. + 18. of June 2016 / 8 p.m.

Acker Stadt Palast

Ackerstraße 169/170, Berlin

Tickets: karten[at]ackerstadtpalast