Von: „Straebel | TU Berlin“
Betreff: EM Hören: 16.01. – Hörsession: Michael Pisaro, Transparent City
Datum: 14. Januar 2014 14:14:17 MEZ
EM Hören am Donnerstag, 16.01.2014 | 18:00 s.t.
Hörsession: Michael Pisaro, Transparent City (Auszüge)
Der Komponist ist nicht anwesend.
Der der Wandelweiser-Gruppe verbundene Komponist Michael Pisaro kombiniert inTransparent City Fieldrecordings aus Los Angeles mit Sinustönen.
Where does one begin to map the sonic landscape of the city, and how does one proceed? How are the locations chosen? What role does time play, either as history or as duration? How much can or should be known about a location when hearing it? The thought processes related to these questions are complex, but I feel that the structure of the work should provide clear answers. Locations arise from an intersection of planning (based on geographical and historical research) and convenience (given the scope of the project). There is something narrative (or novelistic) in the procedure itself: the trek to the location, the set-up and recording and the eventual work with the sound all leave a chain of associations. This chain, however, is not an explicit part of the piece: the locations are not identified by title and are seldom recognizable in anything but the most general sense on the recording itself. Locations chosen by a combination of personal experience and of reading, become in the process of recording something else entirely: another city, hovering above the one we inhabit.
Michael Pisaro, from Working Notes
TU Berlin | Elektronisches Studio
Fachgebiet Audiokommunikation
Einsteinufer 17c | E-N 324
10587 Berlin | Germany
U-Bahn Ernst-Reuter-Platz
S-Bahn Tiergarten
Elektroakustische Musik hören ist eine Veranstaltungsreihe des Elektronischen Studios der TU Berlin. Während des Semesters jeweils donnerstags um 18:00 Uhr.