[ 28. Januar 2014 ]

BERLIN – EM Hören: 30.01. – Luca Forcucci

Von: „Straebel | TU Berlin“
Betreff: EM Hören: 30.01. – Luca Forcucci
Datum: 27. Januar 2014 10:54:27 MEZ

EM Hören am Donnerstag, 30.01.2014 | 18:00 s.t.

Luca Forcucci present the process of recent works developed between neurosciences and soundscapes as fixed media composition, installations and performances.

Luca Forcucci is a binational Italian and Swiss composer and artist. His work observes the perceptive properties/relations of sound and space (and vice versa) through sound installations, visuals, compositions and performances.
His initial work was produced by Al Comet from The Young Gods and the latest released on the Belgian Subrosa label. His musical research has been conducted at the Brain Mind Institute Switzerland, GRM Paris, SARC Queens University Belfast and MTIRC De Montfort University UK.

TU Berlin | Elektronisches Studio
Fachgebiet Audiokommunikation
Einsteinufer 17c | E-N 324
10587 Berlin | Germany

U-Bahn Ernst-Reuter-Platz
S-Bahn Tiergarten

Elektroakustische Musik hören ist eine Veranstaltungsreihe des Elektronischen Studios der TU Berlin. Während des Semesters jeweils donnerstags um 18:00 Uhr.

Zur freundlichen Beachtung übersandt von Volker Straebel (volker.straebel@tu-berlin.de).
