[ 24. Februar 2012 ]

BERLIN – FEED Soundspace Concerts by: Daisuke Ishida & Pierre Alexandre Tremblay, 2. März 22h

NK/Salon @ FEED
Friday, March 2nd 2012 @ 22:00

Electroacoustic Immersive Listening series | FEED Soundspace Concerts by: Daisuke Ishida & Pierre Alexandre Tremblay

Daisuke Ishida (b.1980 Tokyo) is a Berlin based artist, working with sound and contemporary media. He is interested in the consequence of artistic praxis and theory in sound, space and perception. His research interest encloses multidisciplinary areas such as acoustics, architecture, auditory perception, computer music and other related fields.
He established AUSREIHE, an independent organization committed to experimental electronic/computer music since 2009. Together with Ken Furudate, Kazuhiro Jo and Mizuki Noguchi, he founded The SINE WAVE ORCHESTRA in 2002, which received Honorary Mention in Digital Music category of the Prix ARS Electronica 2004 and Stiftung Niedersachsen work stipends for Media Art 2009 at Edith Russ Site for Media Art.
Daisuke Ishida has presented his artistic activities internationally such as ICC – InterCommunication Center (Japan), deaf – Dutch Electronic Art Festival (The Netherlands),Transmediale (Germany), Art + Communication Waves – Arsenals of the Latvian National Museum of Art (Latvia), SMT – Sendai Mediatheque (Japan), YCAM – Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (Japan), International Triennale of Contemporary Art Yokohama (Japan), Japan Now Modern Performing Arts Festival (Germany), MART – Museum of Art, Rovereto and Trento (Italy), Interferenze New Arts Festival (Italy), ISEA – Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts(USA), Steim (The Netherlands) and Edith Russ Site for Media Art(Germany).


Pierre Alexandre Tremblay collaborates on a variety of projects, manipulating sound and playing bass guitar. He teaches composition and improvisation at the University of Huddersfield in England. He is a member of ars circa musicæ(Sophie Aime, Paris), Splice(LOOP Collective, London), L.F.O. Orchestra and de type inconnu(Ora, Montreal).
He launched his first acousmatic album, alter ego, in 2006, the first album of ars circa musicæin 2007, and in 2008 the seventh album of [iks], the contemporary jazz ensemble he directed for eleven years. In 2009 he published La rage, a 50-minute suite for free-jazz drummer and electronics. He also worked on pop music projects in studio as producer and bass guitar, and is interested in video music and in DSP.



Free Admission

Hobrechtstraße 65 | Hinterhaus, Etage 4 | 12047 Berlin-Neukölln U-Bahnhof Hermannplatz



