[ 1. Februar 2013 ]

BERLIN – Nordische Botschaften, Panel discussion: February 2nd 2 pm to 3.30 pm „Represensations: sensing sounding representing“

Von: Åsa Stjerna
Datum: 1. Februar 2013 11:43:42 MEZ

Panel discussion: February 2nd 2 pm to 3.30 pm
„Represensations: sensing sounding representing“

Felleshus, Nordische Botschaften
Rauchstraße 1, Berlin

In context to the project/exhibition The Embassy Reconstructed in the Nordic Embassies in Berlin January 27th until February 3rd, addressing sound in terms of represensation, the representation of sensing, forms the outset for a conversation on The Embassy Reconstructed exploring some of the implications involved.

In what way do sonic sensations contribute to the perception of the Embassy as a site of exchange, a node for complex processes of negotiation? What is the capacity of sound to shape, interpret, translate, express or problematize notions of national identity, transnational politics and material manifestation underpinning the Embassy as an institution? What kind of ‘culture’ is produced by sound, and how does it insert itself into the cultural layers maintained through architecture and diplomacy?

Participators include Marika Lagercrantz, counsellor for cultural affairs at Sweden’s embassy in Berlin and the contributing artists Juliana Hodkinson, Liv Strand and Åsa Stjerna (initiator). The conversation will be moderated by Catharina Gabrielsson, architect, cultural critic and researcher.

A guided exhibition tour will be held 30 minutes before the panel starts. Meeting spot at the entrance of Felleshus.


The Embassy Reconstructed – a sonic investigation of the phenomenon „the Embassy“
by six artists, with the support of a chamber music ensemble.
Nordic Embassies, Berlin 27.1 – 3.2. | transmediale Resource 003: P2P Vorspiel

Can diplomacy be interpreted and presented in sonic form?
How is the act of conflict management interpreted through the arts?
What are the sonic characteristics of “the Embassy”?

The Embassy Reconstructed is an arts-based exploration of “the Embassy” as a phenomenon, initiated by the Swedish artist Åsa Stjerna. Taking the contemporary arts’ expanded notion of space as its point of departure, six artists, whose artistic practices approach and address sound and spatiality from a vast range of perspectives, explore how sound as an artistic medium in its broadest form gives shape to, and interprets, an international, political space where highly current societal events are in constant negotiation.

Brandon LaBelle, Jacob Kirkegaard, Juliana Hodkinson, Liv Strand, Susanne Skog, Åsa Stjerna
and KNM, Kammerensemble Neue Musik, Berlin

