[ 4. April 2016 ]

BERLIN – Reminder: miniLAC (Linux Audio Conference): 8th-10th April, c-base, Berlin

Subject: Reminder: miniLAC (Linux Audio Conference): 8th-10th April,

c-base, Berlin

From: David Runge

Dear students of the audio communication group and all interested,

this is a reminder for the upcoming miniLAC (mini Linux Audio

Conference: http://minilac.linuxaudio.org) at c-base

(https://c-base.org), the space station below Berlin-Mitte.

Many developers and users of the versatile Linux Audio scene come

together for three days of presentation and discussion about current

developments and the sharing of knowledge in form of workshops and

hacking events.

We are very excited to have Edgar Berdahl as our keynote speaker on the

subject of „Open-Source Haptics for Music“


Please note: The amount of attendees is limited to 150 participants!

Please sign up with the wiki and setup your user page, if you want to

take part (even as a visitor)!

Please also note: We are still in search of volunteers, helping us run

the show. Have a look at the following link to see, what that entails:


Hope to see you aboard!

David Runge

David Runge

Elektronisches Studio, Fachgebiet Audiokommunikation

Electronic Music Studio, Audio Communication Group

Technische Universität Berlin

Fakultät I Geistes- und Bildungswissenschaften

Institut für Sprache und Kommunikation

Faculty I Humanities

Institute of Speech and Communication

Einsteinufer 17c, Sekr. E-N 8, 10587 Berlin

