[ 22. August 2010 ]

BERLIN – Sept 2010 Workshops @ NK

Von: „NK“
Datum: 22. August 2010 17:28:39 MESZ

NK Workshops Sept 2010
iPhone/iPod Touch instrument
Friday 10/09/10 11:00-19:00UHR

As this workshop is supported by Culture Lab, Newcastle University it is Free to attend.
Subscribe early to get a place.

Transform your iThing into a personalised sensor instrument!

This one-day workshop is intended to give people the skills to develop their own personalized sensor instruments on the iThing, without the need to purchase a developers license, learn much coding or ?jailbreak’ their phone.
The iPhone is well known as an iconic object of desire in our society of consumption. The use of these ubiquitous iThings is tightly controlled by Apple, who only allow certain apps to be allowed onto the market. Developing apps requires a grasp of programming that most people don’t have, and the purchasing of a developer’s license from Apple. Most of the existing musical apps are somewhat inflexible, trapping the user within someone else’s idea of musical expression. Mostly, it plays music as a commodity, and this is the way most listeners interact with it: it’s potential remains unrealized.
However, we believe that the iPhone offers a new paradigm in post-laptop digital performance, and the workshop will give people the tools to begin unlocking this potential.
The accelerometers which typically serve as tilt sensors to rotate photos allow high precision capture of the performer’s gestures. The multitouch screen, otherwise used for scrolling and pinch-zooming text, becomes a reconfigurable graphic user interface akin to
the JazzMutant Lemur. The fact that all system components – sensor input, signal processing and sound synthesis, and audio output, are embodied in a single device make it very different than the typical controller + laptop model for digital music performance.

The workshop will suit people of multiple abilities. Those with no experience of using Pure
Data will still be able to modify existing patches and turn them into sensor instruments, which is a great gateway into learning Pure Data itself. Those with knowledge and experience of how to use Pure Data will quickly be able to design their own patches and run them on the iPhone. We’ll make sure that everyone goes away knowing where to look on the web for further help and support amongst the large online communities already using Pure Data.

Workshop Leader

Adam Parkinson is a musician based in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, interested in the
embodied nature of musical experiences. His musical practice ranges from avant garde discopop to glitchy electronica and textural improvisations. He has had releases on Noodles,
Entr’acte, Mutate Records and others, and has done remixes for Si Begg, Cakeboy and Dextro. He has given similar workshops in Portugal, and has experience teaching and lecturing on subjects ranging from postmodern discourses on popular musics to sample editing and beat production.

Since discovering the potential of the iPhone, he’s closed his laptop and been relying on
iPhones as the main instrument for improvising solo and in groups. He performs in a duo with Atau Tanaka, both using two iPhones running granular synthesisers. Atau and Adam have performed at the FutureEverything Festival in Manchester, the New York Electronica Arts Festival and the PixelAche Festival in Helsinki.



Schedule for Workshop: September 10th 2010

11.00- 11:30
Introductions/ Demo

11:30 -13:00
Download / install Pure Data Vanilla / RjDj / rjzserver + show people how to set up
networks between iThing and laptop


Introduction to Pure Data / getting Pure Data patches to run on iThing/ getting and using
sensor data from the iThing through building theremins and other sound generators.


17.30 –19.00
Playing and performances

Participants will need to bring

iPhone or iPod Touch

(workshop participants will need to bring their own iThing and laptop, but could probably
share one between two)

Workshop Location: @ NK Elsenstr. 52 2HH 2Etage 12059 Berlin

Participation is limited to 12.

Registration: Pre-registration is recommended and can be done by sending an email to:
Ko-Le Chen–k.l.chen@ncl.ac.uk

Fee: Free

Supported by: Culture Lab, Newcastle University.
Culture Lab brings together contemporary artists, researchers, designers, scientists and the creative industries to develop cutting-edge work using digital technology. It is an experimental academic hub, based at Newcastle University, that addresses social, ethical and political issues through contemporary art and design.


Moldover’s Controllerism Workshop
Wednesday 29/09/10 18:00-22:00UHR

Hailed by 800,000 YouTube viewers as “The Godfather of Controllerism”, Moldover is the inspiration for a new generation of music makers. In this extensive 4-hour interactive workshop, Moldover will present all his knowledge and techniques related to controllerism and live electronic music performance.

Topics covered will inlcude:

• Intuitive software mappings
• Controller hacking
• Custom instrument design
• Circuit bending
• Art pimping
• Dub mixing
• Live looping
• Live production (Live PA)
• Extreme DJing
• Multiplayer instrument design

This workshop is a great way for Musicians, Producers, Digital DJs, or anyone working with Music Technology to get a comprehensive crash-course from an experienced pro. There will be a strong emphasis on group interaction, live demonstration and opportunities for hands-on participation. No hardware or software is required to take this workshop. If you have your own a laptop with Ableton 8 installed, you may bring it along to follow along with Moldover’s examples. If you bring a jump-drive with 2GB of free space, you can go home with a bunch of exclusive Moldover content for Ableton Live 8.

For a taste of Moldover’s workshop style, check out this video

More info on Moldover

Schedule for Workshop: Wednesday September 29th 2010

Workshop Location: @ NK Elsenstr. 52 2HH 2Etage 12059 Berlin

Participation is limited to 25 participants.

Registration: Pre-registration is required and can be done by sending an email to info@nkprojekt.de

Fee: 25€


PURE DATA CRAZY A/V MACHINES With Oscar Martin & Luca Carruba
Monday to Saturday September 27th-October 2nd 12:00-16:00

The aim of this workshop is to learn simple programming strategies for the creation of audio/video software tools for live performances. Generative or interactive piece of software that let artist creates and controls a video stream or an audio processing in real time.

During the workshop we will use Pure Data, a free (as a bird and as a beer) graphical programming language particularly focused on the processing of audio and video data in real time. Pure data is a tool for artists whom wants experiment with a
different creation pattern, with a freedom to build from the scratch they own instruments or interactive installation. You dont need to be a programmer to begin to build your tool. In 5-6 days long workshop you will learn the basis of language, how to manipulate or create a video and how to play with audio. At the end of the workshop all participants will play in a jam session together in the Lab space or exhibit their prototypes.

Workshop Leaders:

Luca Carruba graduated summa cum laude in Sociology of Communication, Luca Carrubba has worked for 5 years under the new media field as artist and independent researcher. Formed between institutional and underground medialabs in Barcelona and Madrid, he focus its production on the interaction between audio and video, always share the practices and codes. Based its action on certain keywords like DIY (do it yourself), knowledge sharing, accessibility, recycling and social movements. Also participated in many workshops to spread free software/technology/culture among Italy, Spain, England, Germany, France, Argentina, Brazil, Palestine and China. He is now professor of new technologies for art in Libera Accademia delle Belle Arti, Brescia, Italy.


Oscar Martin holds a Fine Arts degree from the Universidad Politecnica of Valencia, specializing in Sculpture and Audiovisual Media. That is where he came into contact with sound art through Leopoldo Amigo y Bartolomé Ferrando. A sound explorer, he bases his work on the deconstruction of field recordings and the creative use of technology errors. Luthier-digital with a pure data environment, which he uses to develop his own experimental tools for processing and real time algorithmic-
generative composition. He can be placed somewhere between Computer Music, the Aesthetics of Error, and generative Noise.
He seeks the creation of virtual sound universes, imaginary soundscapes that encourage active listening and a different sensibility toward the perception of sound phenomena. He works under the open source paradigm. All his work is published under Creative Commons license, by different labels and netlabels (dronerecords, tecnoNucleo, costellam, etc.)


Schedule Monday September 27th to October 2nd 12:00-16:00
day 1 open source philosophy
installation pd-extended
intro: learn the basic of pure data language
(data type, data flow, abstractions, internals, externals, etc.
resources, community, list, documentations, etc.)

day 2 pure data audio real time
oscillators, additive_synthesis, adsr, sequencers,
amplitude_modulation, frequency_modulation,
subtractive_synthesis, monophonic_synthesizer,
play_rec_files, sampling, Fxs, granular, etc ..

day 3 video basics
GEM graphical environment for multimedia
3D and video generation and process
output, sources, mix, render
interaction audio/video

day 4 communications and protocols (expand pure data)
OSC connect pd with other computer and/or applications
MIDI to connect a midi controller
keyboard and mouse to control pd
stream audio
arduino pd, sensor

day 5 make your own instrument or interactive installation
day 6 jam session of the participants

Workshop Location: @ NK Elsenstr. 52 2HH 2Etage 12059 Berlin

Participation is limited to 12.

Registration: Pre-registration is required and can be done by sending an email to info@nkprojekt.de

Fee: 90 Euros



Elsenstr. 52 2HH 2.Etage
12059 Berlin DE