[ 10. Januar 2011 ]

BERLIN – Sound Studies Lecture No21

Von: Martin Supper
Datum: 10. Januar 2011 15:15:40 MEZ
Betreff: Sound Studies Lecture No21

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die nächste Lecture ist am

Montag, den 17. Januar 2011 – 19:00 Uhr

Universität der Künste Berlin
Masterstudiengang Sound Studies
Zentralinstitut für Weiterbildung

Lietzenburger Straße 45 – Raum 314
(U3/U9 Spichernstraße)

Mit herzlichen Grüßen
— Prof. Dr. Martin Supper


Bret Battey
Audiovisual Composition with Complex Gestalts

Bret Battey will discuss about his recent audiovisual compositions,
looking at both the technical means (custom generative systems for
sound and image) and some theoretical considerations (what he is
calling „Isomorphism of Complex Gestalts“).

Dr Bret Battey is a Senior Lecturer in Music, Technology and
Innovation at Department of Performance & Digital Arts / De Montfort
University, Leicester (England). He came from the United States to
join the De Montfort team in 2004. Prior to coming to De Montfort
University, he spent a year in India engaged in research as a
Fulbright Fellow and two years as a Research Associate with the Center
for Digital Arts and Experimental Media at the University of
Washington, Seattle. He has degrees in electronic music and music
composition from Oberlin Conservatory (BMus) and the University of
Washington (MMus, DMA).

He creates electronic, acoustic, and multimedia concert works and
installations, synthesizing a diverse professional and educational
background in music composition, computer science, graphic and web
design, and electronics. He pursues research in algorithmic music,
digital signal processing, image and sound relationship, and
expressive sound synthesis. His passions for Indian classical music,
contemplative practice, and feedback systems, chaos, and complexity
have had strong impact on his research and artistic work.

His areas of teaching emphasis include computer programming, synthesis
design, algorithmic compositional techniques, sound and image
relationships, physical computing and interactivity, and philosophical
and cultural contexts for music composition.

His sound and image compositions, which involve custom-programmed
video and sound algorithms, have achieved widespread international
attention and recognition, with over 70 screenings since 2004 and
prizes and honours from the Abstracta Festival (Rome), Punto y Raya
Festival (Madrid), Bourges Concours International de Musique
Electroacoustique (France) and Prix Ars Electronica (Austria). He has
published research in Computer Music Journal and Organised Sound.
Dr Battey has supervised and examined postdoctoral research in the
areas of sound and image composition, Indian classical music,
programming and interactive design, installations, and complex systems
and feedback, and he also welcomes research in other areas of
composition, algorithmic techniques and synthesis design.

Mehr Informationen finden Sie hier:

Was sind Sound Studies Lectures?
Die öffentlichen Sound Studies Lectures geben einen Einblick in die
künstlerischen, wissenschaftlichen, gestalterischen und konzeptuellen
Fragestellungen des postgradualen Masterstudiengangs Sound Studies.
Der Studiengang Sound Studies verfolgt die Idee eines
fachübergreifenden und damit fächerverbindenden Studiums des Klangs.
Ein Studium jenseits eines Musikstudiums, das aber dennoch die Musik
nicht ausschließt, ist neu und einzigartig. Der Begriff Sound Studies
ist angelehnt an den mittlerweile etablierten Terminus Cultural Studies.

Die Ausbildung befähigt die Studierenden, vorliegende Klangumgebungen
medialer, architektonischer, urbanistischer oder werblicher Art
wahrzunehmen, zu beschreiben, zu analysieren und zu beurteilen sowie
akustische Interventionen, Modifikationen und Transformationen einer
solchen Klangumgebung in einer akustischen Konzeption bzw. einem Sound
Briefing fundiert umzusetzen.
