Von: Martin Supper
Betreff: Sound Studies Lecture No45
Datum: 1. Juli 2013 16:53:22 MESZ
Liebe Freunde der Sound Studies,
ich freue mich sehr, Ihnen die nächste Sound Studies Lecture mit Andy Graydon als Gast ankündigen zu können. Er lehrt derzeit an der Berliner Niederlassung der New York University.
Montag – 8. Juli 2013 – 19:00 Uhr
Andy Graydon
Ecologies of perception in recent works by Andy Graydon
Andy Graydon will discuss a number of his sound and media works, touching on issues of environment and transformation, and the relation between the sculptural materiality of sound and sound as a conceptual practice.
Andy Graydon is a recording artist. His sound, film, and installation works explore the material, social, and philosophical dimensions of recording itself and its role in the production of contemporary existence. Graydon’s work, which often touches on science fiction, environmental art, and media ecology, employs such effects as copying, delaying, doubling, displacing, desynchronizing and resynchronizing. These are taken up not as technological fetishes but as reality-effects that impact the phenomenal world, memory, and self-identity.
Graydon’s work has been featured in exhibitions at The New Museum, Art in General, Participant Inc, Diapason, and Marian Spore (all New York); The Berlinische Galerie, Berlin; The Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City; Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna; The Hong Kong & Shenzhen Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture, China; The Portland Art Center, Oregon; Autocenter, Berlin; Artisphere, Arlington, Virginia; and Program Initiative for Art and Architecture Collaborations, Berlin. Graydon has released sound works on imprints including Nonvisual Objects (Vienna), mAtter (Tokyo), Winds Measure Recordings (New York), Contour Editions (New York) and Leerraum (Switzerland). Graydon was born and raised in Maui, Hawaii and is currently based in Berlin, Germany.
Was sind Sound Studies Lectures?
Die öffentlichen Sound Studies Lectures geben einen Einblick in die künstlerischen, wissenschaftlichen, gestalterischen und konzeptuellen Fragestellungen des postgradualen Masterstudiengangs Sound Studies.
Der Studiengang Sound Studies verfolgt die Idee eines fachübergreifenden und damit fächerverbindenden Studiums des Klangs. Ein Studium jenseits eines Musikstudiums, das aber dennoch die Musik nicht ausschließt. Der Begriff Sound Studies ist angelehnt an den etablierten TerminusCultural Studies. http://www.udk-berlin.de/soundstudies
Universität der Künste Berlin
Masterstudiengang Sound Studies
Berlin Career College
Lietzenburger Straße 45 – Raum 314
(U3/U9 Spichernstraße)
Mit herzlichen Grüßen
Prof. Dr. Martin Supper
– Studiengangsleiter –