[ 2. Februar 2016 ]

BERLIN – Soundscapes: 12.02.2016, 19:00h, H0104 (TU Berlin)

Subject: Soundscapes: 12.02.2016, 19:00h, H0104 (TU Berlin)

From: David Runge

February 12th, 19:00h

Technische Universität Berlin

WellenFeld H104

Straße des 17. Juni 135

10623 Berlin


Students of TU and UdK Berlin present their soundscape work created in

the context of the course Soundscape Composition as Context-based



instructed by Barry Truax, the current Edgard Varèse guest



at TU Berlin, audio communication group.

Stereo and up to eight-channel pieces will be presented using Europe’s

largest Wave Field Synthesis (WFS)



+providing an immersive sound experience.

Additionally, two of Barry Truax‘ soundscape pieces („Aeolian Voices“

and „Chalice Well“), that have been adapted for the system, will be


The concert starts at 7 pm sharp. FREE ADMISSION.

Supervised by Barry Truax

Realized with the generous support of the German Academic Exchange

Service (DAAD) and the Electronic Music Studio of the TU

+Berlin (https://www.ak.tu-berlin.de/menue/electronic_studio/parameter/en/).

David Runge

Elektronisches Studio, Fachgebiet Audiokommunikation

Technische Universität Berlin

Fakultät I Geistes- und Bildungswissenschaften

Institut für Sprache und Kommunikation

Einsteinufer 17c, Sekr. E-N 8, 10587 Berlin

Website: http://www.ak.tu-berlin.de/studio