NK Workshops
Saturday, March 3rd 2012 @ 13:30-15:30
The HISStools: Convolution workshop for MaxMSP, taught by Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
Fee: Free to Attend
Location: NK | Elsenstraße 52 | 2 Hinterhaus, 2 Etage | 12059 Berlin- Neukölln
The workshop will present a new set of tools for working with convolution and impulse responses in MaxMSP (HISSTools impulse response toolbox). Rather than than being simply an exposition of these new externals, the aim of the workshop will be to provide participants with some theoretical background to impulse response measurement, as well as tools and practical skills to work with convolution for a range of applications (reverb, creative effects, measurement, speaker and room correction etc.).
The exact nature of the workshop would depend on the available resources, but areas to be covered include:
• Impulse response measurement of real spaces / electronic systems
• Speaker / room correction from IR measurements
• Mic correction
• Realtime and non-realtime convolution
• Deconvolution and inversion of impulse responses
• Non-linear convolution
Participants will have a chance to investigate the objects and techniques in small groups or individually, depending on the equipment available.
Participants will require a reasonably fast computer running MaxMSP. Soundcards / mics / hardware to measure etc. also useful but non-essential.