[ 25. Februar 2016 ]

BERLIN – Transitional Societies || Pirate/Public

Subject: Transitional Societies || Pirate/Public

From: georg klein

Transitional Societies

Mario Asef, Bernhard Draz, Sven Kalden, Georg Klein, Joachim Seinfeld

The exhibition Transitional Societies, initiated by NON in 2015,

accesses the discourse about ‚Transitional Justice‘, and transferres it

with freely associated aesthetic, but politically motivated positions

into a wider social context.




NON Berlin, Chauseestraße 11/Eingang Tieckstraße, 10115 Berlin


Donnerstag, 3. März 2016, 19.00 Uhr


4. bis 12. März 2016

Montag bis Samstag, 14.00 bis 19.00 Uhr

Pirate/Public – positions in contemporary radio art

What’s the difference between a pirate and a privateer? It’s not the

act, it’s the authority. Only the privateer – who seems to be acting

purely on his own initiative – has the papers authorizing him to do so.

The histories of broadcasting and maritime law are closely intertwined,

as we can tell from their similar forms of organization. Radio has its

public and private branches, and its pirate ones too. But these clear

distinctions are no longer valid in today’s radio landscape. Podcasts,

web archives and the internet have caused shifts in content types,

listening areas, audiences and jurisdictions. So is something being

commandeered? If so, how? And most importantly, what?


Errant Bodies – Sound Art Space, Kollwitzstr. 97, 10435 Berlin

Entrance: 5€/3€

#1: Thursday, March 3rd, 19:00

Lautstrom/reboot fm – presented by Anna Bromley

Datscha-Radio – presented by Gabi Schaffner

Das Radio ist nicht Sibirien – Performance by Rafael Jové

Discussion with participants, moderation: Antje Vowinckel

Anna Bromley is an artist, cultural researcher and writer based in

Berlin. Her scenic miniatures connect methods of qualitative social

research with partly fictionalized re-enactments. Since 2012 she

produced the radio feature series „lautstrom“ together with Jeremy


Gabi Schaffner lives and works between Frankfurt and Berlin, Helsinki

and Lobo, Texas as a writer, photographer and audio artist. Several

radio art productions. Datscha Radio was a 100-day temporary radio

station installed at the Landesgartenschau Giessen 2014.

Rafael Jové, author of radioplays and radiofeatures based in Weimar. His

radio play „Das Radio ist nicht Sibirien“ , the inner monologue of a

radio presenter, was developed at Uni Weimar in 2011 and has been

broadcasted in many public stations. In pirate/public he will present a

live version of his piece.

Pirate/Public is a project by Antje Vowinckel and Serge Baghdassarians

from Errant Bodies Sound Art Space, generously supported by the Pankow

Bezirksamt Berlin.

Full program: http://errantbodies.org/soundartspace/piratepublic.html

KlangQuadrat – Büro für Klang- und Medienkunst

Rungestr. 20 / 4 10179 Berlin
