[ 16. März 2012 ]

BEWERBUNG – EcoSono Institutes in Alaska and Tibet this summer

Von: Matthew Burtner
Datum: 13. März 2012 21:22:18 MEZ
Betreff: EcoSono Institutes in Alaska and Tibet this summer

Dear friends and colleagues,

I will be leading teams of researchers into Alaska and Tibet this
summer as part of two independent ecoacoustic expeditions. Both trips
have space available and I write to ask if you could share these
unique opportunities with your students and/or colleagues.

The Alaskan EcoSono Institute will take place from June 11-24 in
partnership with Alaska Pacific University. I am pleased to be
bringing this program to my native home and I’m sure it will be a
fascinating course of study for those interested in the exploration of
environment and sound.

As part of a partnership between Qinghai Nationalities University, the
University of Virginia and the UVA Tibet Center we will travel in the
Tibetan Plateau from July 5-28. I spent last summer in Tibet and this
program is the result of much follow-up work from that trip. This is a
very special and rare opportunity and I think it will be a great
learning experience. One highlight of the trip will be a stay with a
traditional nomadic community in the high plateau.

Each program can accept a maximum of 15 participants. There are
limited Scholarship and Intern opportunities for the Alaska trip.
Particularly attractive for composer and performer participants, both
trips will culminate in a public concert of new music in the host city,

all best,

more info below and at http://www.ecosono.com
