[ 6. Juni 2012 ]

BEWERBUNG – ICMC2012 – Early registration deadline – 10th June

From: Miha Ciglar
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2012 15:41:55 +0200
Subject: ICMC2012 – Early registration deadline – 10th June

Dear all,
Please note that the early registration deadline for the 38th.
International Computer Music Conference – ICMC2012 is on the 10th June

ICMC2012 will take place between the 9th and 15th of September in
Ljubljana, Slovenia

The 2012 Conference theme is: Non Cochlear Sound

– Conference website: http://www.icmc2012.si

– Registration page: http://www.icmc2012.si/submitRegister.html

ICMC2012 host is IRZU – Institute for sonic arts Research –
http://www.irzu.org – supported by the Faculty of Computer and Information
Science and the Faculty of Arts @ University of Ljubljana as well as
the Interface Culture Lab @ Arts University Linz.

ICMC2012 Organisers.
