Von: Scott Wilson
Datum: 6. Mai 2014 11:26:44 MESZ
Lecturer in Music (Electronic Music Composition)
University of Birmingham -School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music
Full Time, Permanent
Applications are invited for the above post in the Department of Music. The appointee will be a specialist in electroacoustic music composition (broadly defined), with experience of cutting edge aspects of the field. Secondary expertise in related areas of research (e.g. popular electronic music composition, multimedia composition, sound art, multichannel composition and audio spatialisation, sound recording, etc.) would also be desirable.
Candidates should have completed a PhD in an appropriate discipline and be engaged in active research and publication. The appointee will be expected to play a full part in the Department’s teaching programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels (including supervising a substantial part of the large community of postgraduates working in this area), to take an active role in the activities of BEAST (Birmingham ElectroAcoustic Sound Theatre, our large-scale multi-loudspeaker concert presentation system), to contribute to the ongoing development of BEAST and our cutting edge facilities for electronic music, and to accept some administrative responsibility.
Informal enquiries should be directed to Dr. Scott Wilson: s.d.wilson@bham.ac.uk
Closing date: 30th May 2014
Reference: 51260
To download the details and submit an electronic application online visit: http://www.hr.bham.ac.uk/jobs alternatively information can be obtained from 0121 415 9000.