[ 26. Januar 2012 ]

BEWERBUNG – Lecturer in Music Technology at Sheffield University

Von: Adrian Moore
Datum: 26. Januar 2012 12:35:37 MEZ
Betreff: Clarification: Lecturer in Music Technology at Sheffield
Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I’ve received a number of enquiries concerning the new Music
Technology Lectureship position at Sheffield University and would just
like make a few simple clarifications.

1. This new post is open to all, though the scale is such that some
evidence of previous published research is appropriate.

2. The job title ‚music technology‘ was meant to encompass absolutely
everything in this vast area of research. There are currently two
music technologists employed at Sheffield. Myself – predominantly a
composer of electroacoustic music and my colleague Dave –
predominantly a programmer. We are both looking forward to working
with someone that can bring fresh ideas to the department. These may
be focused towards science/programming or creative/compositional.
Producing a list of specific research areas is futile as said list is
huge, but it most certainly includes composers. Please bear in mind
that we would like to work with someone with a solid grounding in Pd,
Csound, Supercollider or Max/MSP (Music at Sheffield is mainly an open
source department) and if you are a composer, you should have a strong
interest in using programming in a creative environment.

3. Part of the role is to investigate the expansion of music
technology (in all its breadth and including composition and sound
recording) to undergraduates, postgraduates and those looking to
interact in new and exciting ways with the university (distance, e-
learning etc.)

4. re 3,2 and 1: The post is advertised as ‚Three year fixed term‘.
This is a completely new post in addition to three others that are
essentially replacements (two in ethnomusicology and one in
musicology). The University is keen for us to develop music technology
(see 3). If, after three years we have developed music technology at
Sheffield (and let’s cut to the chase here, they mean recruit more
students and make more excellent research), then the University would
be very unwise to pull it all down. The University is, I guess, taking
a risk here, but they are naturally hedging against a downturn in
student numbers. We have a great music department, well established
links with the department of computer science (speech and hearing
group) as well as other departments and solid resources (www.shef.ac.uk/usss)
. If you think this is worth the risk, please do consider applying.

Thanks for your time,
Best wishes,

where is sheffield?
is it a good place to live?

