[ 25. November 2011 ]

BEWERBUNG – PhD student in Sonification Research

From: Florian Grond
Date: Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 10:50 AM
Subject: PhD student in Sonification Research

(23/11/2011) Job posted by:

Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics/ University of Music and
Performing Arts Graz

PhD student in Sonification Research
(Audio Engineering/ Climate Science)

Applications are invited for a postgraduate student to join the
Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM, http://
iem.kug.ac.at) at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz for
the FWF funded project SysSon – A systematic procedure to develop
sonifications. The goal of SysSon is the systematic development of
sonifications – from finding sound metaphors and creating
a ‘sound library’ to aesthetic/ scientific evaluation and finally the
sonification tool ‘ClAudio-Climate Audio’. The procedure is developed
with and tested on data from Climate Science. Main researchers of the
project (and supervisors of the PhD) are R. Höldrich and K. Vogt at
IEM, where the PhD student will be based. Cooperation partners are the
Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change (www.wegcenter.at) and
the Center for Systematic Musicology (www.uni-graz.at/en/muwi99ww).

F l o r i a n G R O N D
PhD Student at Ambient Intelligence Group,
CITEC Bielefeld University, Germany
Universitaetsstrasse 21 – 23 33615 Bielefeld
Tel.: 0049 521 106 12163
http://cit-ec.org http://grond.at
