[ 7. November 2016 ]

BORNEMOUTH – Bournemouth University Loudspeaker Orchestra Concert Wednesday 9th November

If you are in the southern part of the UK on Wednesday….

The first Bournemouth University Loudspeaker Orchestra concert takes place on Wednesday 9th November 2016. It will include works by Panos Amelides and Ambrose Seddon alongside those by special guest composer Antonino Chiaramonte (http://www.antoninochiaramonte.eu/).

Venue: Allsebrook Lecture Theatre, Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus, Poole, Dorset, BH12 5BB

Date/Time: Wednesday 9th November, 6pm

A drinks reception at 7pm will follow the concert.

Admission is free but please register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bu-loudspeaker-orchestra-concert-tickets-28721024357?aff=eac2

The event is supported by Faculty of Science & Technology and the EMERGE Research Group.

Best wishes,

Ambrose Seddon