Betreff: BOSTON – Three nights with ‚Hydra‘, the 40-speaker loudspeaker
Datum: Tue, 28 Apr 2015
Von: Hans Tutschku
SOUND IN SPACE is a 3-day festival (May 2-4) of electronic music as a
collaboration between Northeastern University and Harvard University.
Students of both institutions will play their newest works in three
student concerts. In addition, the Japanese composer Tomonari Higaki
will lead a workshop on sound diffusion and present his music in a
portrait concert on Saturday. On Sunday, the canadian labelempreintes
DIGITALes will launch Hans Tutschku’s new CD Firmament and the concert
presents his recent multichannel works. On Monday night we will have an
international concert with five very contrasting composers.
The concerts take place at Fenway Center, 77 St Stephen St, Boston, MA
02115 (near Symphony Hall).
(free, no tickets required)
Saturday, May 2, 6:30 p.m. – student concert 1
Michael Zamora, scatter (7:00)
Cherie Hu, Dr. Mulholland (8:00)
Connor Eichinger, Vorticose (9:45)
Harry Chiang, Leub (5:30)
Alicia Young, Alarm (5:00)
Jacob Farber, Twofold Bay (8:20)
Saturday, May 2, 8:30 p.m. – portrait concert Tomonari Higaki
La Mer de la fertilité / The Sea of Fertility (66:00)
Sunday, May 3, 6:30 p.m. – student concert 2
Ben Wetherfield, Make Stuff (10:00)
Zachary Cadman, Voicemail portrait (4:30)
Sam Wu, when once you taste flight (10:00)
Matthew Ustaszewski, Velorium (8:10)
Kapena Baptista, Hoʻonoho (5:00)
Tom Rinaldo, The Gravitram (8:30
Sunday, May 3, 8:00 p.m.
Jean-François Denis from empreintes DIGITALes (Montréal) launches Hans
Tutschku’s new CD ‘Firmament’
Sunday, May 3, 8:30 p.m. – portrait concert Hans Tutschku
Firmament-schlaflos (22:00)
Klaviersammlung (10:00)
Issho ni (31:00), first performance of the complete 16-channel version
Monday, May 4, 6:00 p.m. – student concert 3
Michael Altman, Homeward Unbound (9:00)
Ben Leichter, Bereft (8:00)
Benjamin Bromley Nuzzo, Deus Ex Machina (8:00)
Stefan Prins, Study for a Mirror Box (13:00)
Matt Keim, Self-Portrait No. 1 (4:30)
Ari Korotkin, A Movement In That Place (En Soi) (10:00)
Monday, May 4, 8:00 p.m – international composers
Suk-Jun Kim, Midong (10:00)
Mike Frengel, Sarteano l’estate (14:00)
Peter Batchelor, Kaleidoscope: Arcade (8:45)
Tae Hong Park, 48 13 N, 16 20 O(14:30)
Robert Normandeau, Chorus (13:20)