Subject: Workshop im Rahmen des REM-Festivals / workshop during REM
Festival Bremen 2015
From: Christoph Ogiermann
Workshop mit Ewa Justka und Lorah Pierre
Zeit: 25.6.2015 – 13-19 Uhr (inkl. Pause), Performance: 20 Uhr
Liebe Alle
das REM Festival ( 25. – 28. Juni) in Bremen NAHT.
Daher informier ich gern über aktuelle Neuigkeiten
Bald mehr….erstmal DAS!:
(mit Grüßen)…..
Dear Everybody
REM Festival (25th-28th June) in Bremen / Germany is coming soon.
I´d like to inform about some news from time to time…
more soon….this time THAT
(best)……(more english below!!!!)
Workshop mit Ewa Justka und Lorah Pierre
im Rahmen des Festivals RAPID EAR MOVEMENT
Zeit: 25.6.2015 – 13-19 Uhr (inkl. Pause), Performance: 20 Uhr
Unkostenbeitrag: 10 €
Teilnehmer: max. 15
Anmeldung: rem(at)pgnm(dot)de
Am Donnerstag des 25.6. veranstaltet REM einen Workshop in den Räumen
der SPEDITION am Güterbahnhof, in dessen Rahmen die TeilnehmerInnen
kleine Synthesizermodule nebst Steuerung via Obst, Licht, Luft oder
Liebe unter Anleitung und Beaufsichtigung der Künstlerinnen Ewa Justka
und Lorah Pierre bauen. Ewa und Lorah werden gemeinsam mit den
TeilnehmerInnen die Ergebnisse des Workshops im Rahmen des
Festivalvoreröffnungskonzerts in einer Performance präsentieren. Es sind
keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich. Englischkenntnisse sind von Vorteil.
Mindestalter ist 14 Jahre. Die Synthesizermodule können anschließend
mitgenommen werden.
The workshop will be based on building simple oscillator using
conductive pen and glass (no soldering needed!). The participants will
be encouraged to experiment with various resistive materials: plants,
potentiometers, light dependent resistors or even fungi. By touching/
flashing lights on these materials connected to the circuit participants
will produce unpredictable noises!
The workshop will last for 5 h and will be finalized with group
performance open to the public.
Lorah Pierre
Lorah operates as a mobile educator and technical demonstrator running
workshops in hardware electronics.
Lorahs utilises experimentation within hardware electronics, centred on
developing systems that expose technologies chemical and physical
properties. feedback, manipulation and hacking results in the
sonification and optical realisation of materials.
Lorah has installed and performed work nationally and
internationally;[SPACE]/Permacultures, london, UK; Digital festival,
brighton, UK; City of Women festival, ljubljana, slovenia; SUPERNORMAL:
experimental arts and music festival, oxfordshire, UK; Colour Out of
Space: international experimental sound festival, brighton, UK;Rhizome
festival, bonn, germany; CTM festival, berlin, germany; Fort Process,
newhaven, UK.
Ewa Justka
Ewa Justka is a polish electronic noise artist, hardware electronics
teacher and instruments builder based in London.
Ewa has performed at Network Music Festival, Birmingham, UK; Supernormal
Festival Oxfordshire, UK, Club Transmediale Festival, Berlin; Exploding
Cinema, Goldsmiths College, London, UK; STEIM, Amsterdam, NL; Moving
Forest, Chelsea College, London, UK; Colour out of Space, Brighton, UK;
Beam Festival, Brunel University, London, UK; Cafe Oto, London, UK and more.
here is a short description of my performance:
Ewa’s Optoelectronic Noise Performance is an audio-visual live
transmission of erupting current synchronized with fluorescent,
throbbing light. The discordant signals generated by the obsolete
electronics abruptly invade the body by surrounding it with dissonant
frequencies and corrupted hard techno providing tangible, multi-sensory