[ 27. Mai 2010 ]


Von: Musiques & Recherches
Datum: Thu, 27 May 2010 15:50:15 +0200

For the performance of acousmatic works

DL:  May 31


Pre-recorded work composed in studio, projected on loudspeakers in
concert, without intervention of live sound sources.

Spatialised performance of acousmatic pieces deals with directing
sounds on multiple loudspeakers spread accross the concert room.
Musiques & Recherches‘ acousmonium has 76 loudpseakers and an
analogic console that allows 44 pathes of spatial projections. The
performance competition is „manual“, i.e. without computer-based
system memorising spatial configurations. The performer is hands on
the console during the competition. His/her physical presence during
the performance is required.

The competition is open to the public. It will take place at the
Theatre Marni in Brussels during the XVII° international acousmatic
festival „L’Espace du Son“, which is scheduled for 20 to 24 October

Registrations and other documents requested in the Competition
Regulation must be sent to Musiques & Recherches by post postmarked
May 31, 2010, at the latest. There are no registration fees.

Each participant will perform five stereo works, including: a work
imposed by the jury, a work of his/her choice (personal compositions
not allowed), a short piece by Pierre Schaeffer, two works drawn the
day before his/her performance from a list of pieces proposed to the
participant after his/her registration.

The maximal duration of each work is 10 minutes. The prizes will be
awarded at the end of the festival.

Competition rules « Espace du Son » 2010

The competition is open to any candidate who registered to the
competition by letter sent to Musiques & Recherches by post
postmarked May 31, 2010, at the latest. There are no registration
fees. For the registration to be valid, the following documents are
required: the attached Registration Form duly filled up, together
with the title of the chosen work, the name of its composer, the bio
of the composer, and the notice of the work chosen.

After registration, participants will receive a list of works dragged
from the acousmatic repertoire. Each participant will choose 8 works
from this list. He/She will send his/her selection to Musiques &
Recherches by letter postmarked July 12, 2010, at the latest, and
will prepared these 8 chosen works in view of the competition.

Moreover, Pierre Schaeffer would have been aged 100 in 2010. Hence,
the participants will have to perform a short chosen piece from
Pierre Schaeffer. The choice of the participants must be sent by
letter postmarked July 12, 2010.

After registration to the competition, participants will receive an
imposed work chosen by the Preselection Jury of the Metamorphose
Competition. The jury will meet up on June 20, 2010. Each participant
will send a graphic transcription of this work to Musiques &
Recherches by letter postmarked July 12, 2010, at the latest. The
quality of this transcription will be taken into consideration for
the selection of the finalists invited to the final of the competition.

During the festival, the finalists will perform:
– two works drawn among the 8 works they prepared for the competition
(see point 2). The draw of these works will take place on the day
before the performance of each finalist;
– the short piece chosen from Pierre Schaeffer (see point 2);
– the imposed work by the preselection jury of the Metamorphoses
competition (see point 3);
– the work chosen by the participant.

Maximum timing for each work is 10 minutes. All works performed
during the competition are stereo. Rehearsal period will be scheduled
for each finalist.

The competition will be held in public during the XVII° international
acousmatic festival „L’Espace du Son“ in Brussels.

Prizes will be awarded at the end of the festival.

The decisions of the Jury are not appealable.

Musiques & Recherches will not contribute to the travelling nor the
accomodation costs of the participants. Information about places
where to stay are available upon requests. Each finalist will receive
a free pass to all concerts and activities taking place during the

First Prize: 2500€
Second Prize [TBC]: audio equipement offered by the company
Fundamental Acoustic Research (FAR).
Musiques & Recherches may also offer a residence as a performer to a
concert/festival to the participant of its choice.