Subject: Simon Vincent: Konzerthinweis: „…Falling Man, Rising
Woman…“, 8. Oktober, Brussels
From: Simon Vincent
Anbei eine Konzertankündigung für 8. Oktober, Brussels
Beste Grüße,
Simon Vincent
8th-11th October.
The Other, The Self #1
On Gender, Voice, Language, Identity.
Q-02 Brussels.
with Pauline Oliveros, IONE, Lina Lapelyte, C. Spencer Yeh,
Simon Vincent, Jaume Ferrete, Jane Dickson, AGF/Antye Greie,
Richard Scott, Lucy Duncombe, Anneke Kampman, Anat Ben David,
Angharad Davies, Nouria Bah, Heidi Heidelberg, Rebecca La Horrox,
Sharon Gal.
As part of the opening events, I will be performing my work
„… Falling Man, Rising Woman …“ for Solo Voice and Live
Commissioned by Lena von Geyso and Elisabeth Pichler (D21, Leipzig),
“ …FALLING MAN, RISING WOMAN… “ for Solo Voice and Electronics
Germaine Greer’s podium speech in answer to Norman Mailer and the short
poem by Charlotte Perkins Gilman entitled “Locked In”.
The solo performer chants in an intense mantra-like whisper Perkins
text for almost the entire duration of the 26-minute work, bringing
to a state of exhaustion, deeply confined within the bounds of her
These whispers are transformed live, fragmented and diffused through a
space in such a way that they are rendered incomprehensible. The
wearing a white face mask allowing no facial expression to be seen, is
locked inside this incomprehensible text, as well as surrounded by
transformations of Greer’s speech, which become ethereal choirs,
the performer as an electroacoustic aura.
The conclusion of the work was recently featured in The Wire Magazine’s