[ 12. Januar 2011 ]

BUCH – Electronic Music & Sound Design

Von: Kevin Austin
Datum: 10. Januar 2011 05:08:07 MEZ
Betreff: [cec-conference] Alessandro Cipriani & Maurizio Giri
Electronic Music & Sound Design [New]

Alessandro Cipriani & Maurizio Giri
Electronic Music & Sound Design
Structured for use in university courses, the book is an overview of
the theory and practice of Max/MSP, with a glossary of terms and
suggested tests that allow students to evaluate their progress.
Comprehensive online support, running parallel to the explanations in
the book, includes hundreds of sample patches, analyses, interactive
sound-building exercises, and reverse engineering exercises. This book
will provide a reader with skill and understanding in using Max/MSP
for sound design and musical composition.

Paperback. 548 pages. 17 x 24.4 cm. ISBN: 978-88-905484-0-6
CDe #: MB291
List: $48
Available from EMF:

