Von: „C&C Conference 2013“
Betreff: ACM Creativity & Cognition 2013: Keynote Speakers Announced, Deadlines Extended, Award Announced
Datum: 12. Dezember 2012 07:55:38 MEZ
ACM SIGCHI Creativity and Cognition 2013
17th-20th June, 2013, Sydney, Australia.
University of Technology, Sydney
— 2 Keynote Speakers Announced: Bill Verplank and Celine Latulipe
— Deadlines for Papers & Posters Extended: New Deadline – 31 Dec 2012
— Creativity and Cognition 2013 Award Announced
Keynote Speakers
We are very excited to announce two of the keynote speakers for ACM Creativity and Cognition 2013.
William (Bill) Verplank is a designer and researcher who focuses on interactions between humans and computers. He worked at Xerox Parc and Office Systems Divisions from 1978-1986 refining the design of the original graphical user interface and mouse, in the Xerox Star. He went on to work with Bill Moggridge, first at IDtwo and then at IDEO (1986–1992), bringing graphical user interfaces to the world of product design. From 1992-2000 at Interval Research, he directed the design and research for collaboration, tangibility and music. Since then, he was on the steering committee and taught at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea (2000–2005), and has worked at Stanford’s CCRMA as a part-time lecturer teaching courses in interaction design and input devices.
Celine Latulipe is an Associate Professor of Human-Computer Interaction in the College of Computing and Informatics at UNC Charlotte. Celine has long been fascinated by two-handed interaction in the real world, and the absence of it in the human-computer interface. She has developed numerous individual and collaborative multi-cursor interaction techniques and these have blossomed into an exploration of creative expression. Celine works on projects with choreographers, dancers, artists and theatre producers to better understand creative work in practice and how technology may play a role in supporting and evaluating creative work practices. Celine also researches methods for the measurement of creativity support of digital tools.
For more information:
Paper and Poster Deadlines Extended: 31st December 2012
The deadlines for paper (max 10 page) and poster (max 4 page) submission have been extended.
In recognition of the fact that many of our potential contributors have some sort of holiday celebration between now and the end of this calendar year we are offering you a gift of time to be creative with your cognition. The deadline for papers submission is now set to midnight 31 December 2012, your local time zone.
Call Details: http://cc13.creativityandcognition.com/?page_id=26
Submission Process and Format Details: http://cc13.creativityandcognition.com/?page_id=179
General topics may include, but are not limited to:
* Descriptions or case study reports of musical, artistic, literary or other forms of successful creative expression or collaboration.
* Reflections or analyses of design, artistic thinking or creative thought in general or analysis of the creative process in any medium of expression.
* Visual, auditory, tactile or multi-modal representations for creative work, e.g., technology for graphics, visualization, virtual reality and other forms of computing.
* Materials for creativity, e.g., tangible interaction for creative expression, e.g., sticky notes, electronic textiles, physical computing, new materials for creativity.
* Creation, implementation, evaluation and practical use of digital tools to support creative cognition or visualization.
* Empirical reports of design, development and deployment of platforms, tools and toolkits to support creative work in any domain.
* Models and theories of creative thinking from any perspective, e.g., cognitive, cognitive neuroscience, information-processing and computational.
* Studies of bringing creative ideas to mind: e.g., open-ended reports and explorations of idea generation, divergent thinking, and other ways of breaking up habitual modes of thought, creative problem solving or decision making.
* Empirical studies of creativity or creative cognition: e.g., cognitive study of artistic work and/or creative design methods
* Evaluation methods and/or criteria for assessing creative work by an individual, small group, or community.
* Creative information design to support communication.
* Understanding the ‚audience‘ experience and reactions to creative works, e.g., evaluation criteria, methods and tools, empirical reports on development and production of creative work by and for target audiences.
* Inter-disciplinary methods and models for creative collaboration, e.g., reports of inter-disciplinary interactions and collaboration for creativity, including discussion of what worked and what didn’t.
* Collective creativity and creative communities, e.g., collaborative cognition, the nature and role of analogies used in groups, conceptual synergy and combination, when and how group processes may actually inhibit or limit creative collaboration.
* Empirical studies of social media and computing in creativity.
* Creativity in the wild: e.g., reports of everyday personal creativity, group creativity, or the workings of online creative communities.
for Best Contribution to Creative Communication
An award in memory of Emma Candy
Proposals are invited for an award for an innovative contribution to concepts and products that combine creativity and communication in ways that influence the way people use digital media in the future. The proposal could be a paper or digital prototype, a scenario, a story, an interactive installation, an artwork or a game.
The award is intended to promote designers, artists and technologists who are innovating for a more creative and connected world. It includes AU$2000 and a complimentary registration at the ACM SIGCHI Conference Creativity & Cognition 2013.
See for details: