[ 26. April 2014 ]

CALL – Appel à l’oeuvre sonore / Call for sound works

Subject: Appel à l’oeuvre sonore / Call for sound works
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2014
From: EM

Call for sound works

During the Art & Science Days, MusInfo invites composers and artists
around the world to participate in the call for a sound work in the
spirit of the tradition that started in Bourges in previous years.

The theme of this call is a link between science and the arts. The works
must either take their inspiration from scientific knowledge, or use
this knowledge in their composition process.

Diffusion of works:
All works will be diffused through listening sessions in a sound
installation called Sound Planetarium during the Art & Science Days 2014
(JAS 2014) in Tours (May 19), Bourges (May 20-22) and Orléans (May 23).

Conditions of participation:
• This project is open to any composer, performer and sound artist.
• Any work that does not relate to the theme will not be disclosed.
• The duration of the work must be between 3 and 5 minutes maximum.
• The work must be exempt from all broadcasting and reproduction rights,
excepted of course author’s royalties.
• Quadraphonic or stereo works without a live interpreter, must be sent
exclusively via internet http://www.wetransfer.com to contact@musinfo.fr
• The work will be kept in the MusInfo International Sound Archives.
The participants approve these terms and conditions by their participation.

• At the same time send us by e-mail your presentation, biography and
your photo.

For any further information please contact:
