Von: Scott Wilson
Datum: 30. November 2014 22:22:21 GMT+00:00
We invite submissions to the following call for works and papers.
Apologies for the inevitable cross-postings!
Music – Space – Architecture – Place
Thursday 30 April – Saturday 2 May 2015
The University of Birmingham, UK
BEAST invites you to three days of music, meeting, and ideas. As part of this event, we invite submissions in the form of papers, workshop or talk proposals, and of musical works. These may include anything to do with electroacoustic music or related fields, but in particular we invite submissions relating in some way to the following theme:
Music – Space – Architecture – Place
There is a long history of discussion of the interactions between music, architecture and space, dating back at least as far as the developments in polychoral music in Venice, through to early experiments in multichannel presentation and spatialisation of electroacoustic sound, acousmonia, the ’spatial music‘ experiments of composers such as Henry Brant, and music based on acoustic phenomena by composers such as Alvin Lucier, Maryanne Amacher, and Pauline Oliveros. BEAST itself was been conceived of as a flexible and touring system, which by design could adapt to and even exploit the idiosyncrasies of the often less than ideal spaces in which it has operated. With the Bramall Music Building BEAST has entered a new period, both through regular access to the Elgar Concert Hall, a space designed specifically to host it, and the new BEASTdome system in the Dome Room, which diverges somewhat from traditional BEAST systems as a semi-fixed array of mostly matched speakers arranged across the surface of a hemisphere. Across Europe and elsewhere, similar semi-permanent systems such as the ZKM Klangdom and the Sonic Lab at Queen’s University in Belfast have developed in recent years, making firm connections between physical spaces, acoustic designs, electroacoustic systems, and developing practice.
What are the implications of such developments? How do architecture, acoustics, and electroacoustic system design interact to create new musical practice? How does repertoire created in such locales adapt to and influence other contexts and means of presentation? Since such systems and rooms are almost inevitably tied to institutions and state support, what are the implications of access? To what extent have such developments undone some of the revolution in accessible music technology that has developed in wealthy nations through portable commodity-based technology
such as affordable laptop computers? Submissions on these or related questions (including historical aspects) are welcomed.
Abstract only. Talks should be 20 mins in duration, or multiples thereof. The BEASTdome system (30+ channel periphonic setup) will be available for these presentations, so multichannel demonstrations are possible and welcome.
Works/performances of electronic music of any duration or style are welcome. Of particular interest are works for large numbers of channels, but we will try to accommodate the technical requirements of any accepted work. Works involving video are welcome, as are works involving live performance (including instrumentalists), but note that any costs or fees arising may need to be borne by the submitter. Selected works will be programmed in BEAST Feast, or in other BEAST events this season.
DEADLINE: Wednesday 7 January 2015
NOTIFICATION: Friday 6 February 2015
All submissions should be emailed to beast@contacts.bham.ac.uk
For pieces, please provide download (Dropbox, Wetransfer etc.) or Soundcloud links