[ 12. Juni 2015 ]

CALL – Call for Ambisonics art works for Auditory Virtual Environments

Subject: Call for Ambisonics art works for Auditory Virtual Environments

From: Jan Jacob Hofmann

Proposing Ambisonics at the International Conference on Spatial Audio as

art form is one task for this initiative.

„Pure Ambisonics“ == „Ambisonics as an art form“ is the hypotheses

We are searching for different works, which need not be recent ones,

also historic ones are of interest. Preferring higher order 3D, we take

any order 3D or 2D as long it represents a wave-field as a spatial audio

work ready for concert. To test this thesis a concert is scheduled:

– PURE Ambisonics Concert & the Night of Ambisonics –

September 18th at ICSA 2015 in Graz

Preferring the AmbiX format, we also take other formats as long the

description has enough information to convert them to this domain.

More INFO on the CALL:


Please forward this email for people which have done Ambisonics works