Von: Dale Perkins
Datum: 30. November 2011 16:59:13 MEZ
Betreff: Call for papers, music and demonstrations – IFIMPaC 2012
Call for papers, music and demonstrations – IFIMPaC 2012
Apologies for cross posting
Postgraduate Studies & Research Centre
Leeds, United Kingdom
Leeds International Festival for Innovations in Music Production and
Thursday & Friday 26TH- 27TH APRIL 2012
The International Festival for Innovations in Music Production and
Composition takes place at Leeds College of Music from Thursday 26th
to Friday 27th April 2012. IFIMPaC is an annual event focusing on
practice related innovations in Music Production and Composition. This
year’s event sees its 3rd year in association with the Journal for
Music, Technology and Education. In addition to papers IFIMPaC is
widening its call to include music for a series of concerts. IFIMPaC
creates a unique environment for composers, producers, music industry
representatives, academics, educators and students to discuss their
practice and practice-led research.
Call for Papers
This year’s call for papers is in association with the Journal for
Music, Technology and Education. Proposers are asked to indicate on
their submission if they would like their work to be considered for
publication in a forthcoming issue of the journal.
The deadline for the submission of proposals is 20th February 2012.
Presentations that address innovations in compositional practice and
music production are welcome (for example, focus on composition/
production process, applications of music technology and pedagogy).
While proposals are invited on any area of composition/production
research and practice from within any discipline/genre, preference
will be given to topics that address cross-disciplinary approaches
that inform new insights.
Individual presentations should be no more than twenty minutes in
duration. There may be opportunities for longer slots for lecture-
recitals and workshops. Proposals should take the form of a title
followed by an abstract of not more than 200 words, and should include
details of each presenter including brief biographical description.
Call for Music and demonstrations
acousmatic Music (stereo or multichannel)
multimedia pieces
solo instrument and fixed medium
solo instrument and live electronics
laptop improvisation/live coding
club music (electronic music influenced by pop, IDM and electronica)
demonstrations of unique interfaces
composition and paper
other (we are happy to consider music that doesn’t fall into the above
We may be able to supply solo performers in some instances, but you
may have to provide your own performers. Please see the web link for
further information (information will be posted soon).
The deadline for the submission of proposals is 20th February 2012.
Any queries about a proposal should be directed to the IFIMPaC 2012
Conference Director: Dale Perkins FIMPaC@lcm.ac.uk
Leeds College of Music
3 Quarry Hill
United Kingdom
Further information and to make a booking for the conference will be
available soon:
Queries about attending IFIMPaC 2012 should be addressed to: FIMPaC@lcm.ac.uk