[ 3. September 2014 ]

CALL – Call for participation Sonic Arts Forum 24th of October 2014 Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincolnshire, UK

Subject: Call for participation Sonic Arts Forum 24th of October 2014
Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincolnshire, UK
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2014 17:59:24
From: Coryn Smethurst

Dear All

The Sonic Arts Forum will be meeting on Friday 24th of October 2014 at
Bishop Grosseteste University in Lincolnshire as part of the Sonophilia
festival http://www.sonophilia.co.uk/#!start

If you would like to attend and introduce your work please e-mail –
sonicartsforum(at)gmail.com by Monday 15th September.

Sonic Arts Forum events are open to all composers/sound artists who use
technology to produce work. They offer a friendly, informal and
supportive environment for feedback and discussion.

A multi-channel sound system will be available for playback of works.

Previous events have covered sonic weapons, music for fruit machines,
algorithmic composition, live electronics, audio visual works, music for
film, acousmatic works, free improvisation, soundscape recording and
much more.

As part of the day there will also be a free improvisation session where
all are welcome to participate.

Our facebook group, where posts include calls for works / participation
(from Sonic Arts Forum and others), interesting electronic articles and
music/sound art can be found here

Apologies for cross postings.

Please feel free to forward.

Best wishes,
