[ 13. Juli 2016 ]

CALL – CfP: Journal of Sonic Studies – General issue

Von: Kevin Austin via cec conference

From: Vincent Meelberg

Subject: CfP: Journal of Sonic Studies – General issue

Date: 2016 July 10 at 10:39:00 AM GMT-4

Journal of Sonic Studies 13 – Call for Papers

After special issues on listening, sound and television, sonic

epistemologies and methodologies, sound design, sounds of/in space, a

pervasive sound narrative, urban sound art, and South-East Asian

soundscapes, it is time for an open CfP.

For the thirteenth issue of the Journal of Sonic Studies we invite

theorists and artists to submit complete articles on any aspect of

auditory culture. Possible topics may include, but are not limited to,

the history of auditory culture, the ontology of sound, the epistemology

of sonic studies, the possible (interdisciplinary) approaches to

productively study auditory culture, and the specificity of sonic studies.

We are searching for scholarly and artistic contributions that deal with

the relation between the production, distribution or reception of

sounds, noises or silence and history, culture, society, ethics,

technology, religion, art, new media or politics. The broader aim is to

establish “sound” as an analytical category that provides us with

challenging perspectives on and a new understanding of contemporary culture.


Potential contributors are invited to submit completed essays by

August 31, 2016.

For more information, or to submit an essay, please contact


The Journal of Sonic Studies is a peer-reviewed, online, open access

journal providing a platform for theorists and artist-researchers who

would like to present relevant work regarding auditory cultures, to

further our collective understanding of the impact and importance of

sound for our cultures.

The editors welcome scholarly as well as artistic research and also

expect all contributions to have a firm theoretical grounding. Priority

is given to contributions that explicitly use the Internet as a medium,

e.g. by inserting A/V materials, hyperlinks, and the use of

non-conventional structures.

JSS invites potential contributors to use the Research Catalogue as the

platform in which the submission is presented (see

http://www.researchcatalogue.net/). Other submission guidelines can be

found at sonicstudies.org/guidelines